
Another one I just thought of you may want to include in a write up sometime is WizMouse by antibody software.

It is a great little program that does one of the smallest but easily most convenient things ever. When you are running the program, I just have it set to come on at startup, and your mouse is hovering over a

Sega: Update the Genesis emulator on steam to have online multiplayer. Guardian Heroes for Steam along with Guardian Heroes 2.
Bethesda: Announce Fallout 4, the Elder Scrolls VI.
Capcom: A new Darkstalkers, the Steam version of Dead Rising 3.
Nintendo: Cancels hardware, brings all it's games to the other systems.

Or why wouldn't he just take 5 minutes and go through Notification Center to turn off notifications he doesn't want to receive?


Not true - the male's stimulating display is not his penis - it is his V-shape that's the thing women consider as sexy and masculine - and there's plenty of that in movies.

No, because by then everyone will have adopted .webm and we can all enjoy a format that has the same quality and 10% the storage space.

Get with the future!

Dang it, Bobby!

Honestly, I seems like Wizards has every right to sue the pants off of these guys, which is too bad, because it looks like they are making a fun digital product.

I'm a dev, I'm a latino, and I've only met two other latinoes in game dev in the US. One was a QA, the other was an indie. Do we not art? Do our stories not bring interest?

Oh wait, then you have to change all the english sentence structures originally designed for Male and Female interactions, animations, clothing... then suddenly your up a creek without a paddle in a project you thought was only simple code change. Now you have to remake or reuse art assets, quality assurance test, and

I'm not sure how you the idea that 270mil was spent on R&D... The differences between net and operation are other things like investment, non-primary operation (non-game), etc. In essence, it means Nintendo has a lot of other non-game related investment that is making them 270 million.

I think you're confusing owner's equity and revenue. Silver is talking about their remaining cash, not their profits.

I dunno about other people, but I would consider buying a WiiU for maybe 150 to 200 dollars.

the Jedi Knight games had some fun sabre combat, don't know if that counts...

Indeed... because it can, but I do have to say these look great. especially considering the limited hardware they had to work with. and it's pretty kickass for a 400dollar machine.

If it weren't for those low textures.

That's more of an IDE (integrated development environment) feature, but sure, many of the text editors in this article can be set up to do things like that.

You can do this in Notepad++ with the splitview.

I usually don't mind vocaloid stuff,but this clearly proves it's not made to be used for english songs.This is awful :-/