Again, read the government's classification of marijuana. Doesn't mean it's anything like heroin. All of the common sense regarding heroin does not apply to marijuana.
Again, read the government's classification of marijuana. Doesn't mean it's anything like heroin. All of the common sense regarding heroin does not apply to marijuana.
I'm actually surprised at the Contigo's lack of keeping things hot. It has worked for me (easily keeps things hot for hours), but I have one of the original models. Perhaps those were better.
It was fun for a bit with friends. But the more I played the more it felt like I had played it before. Reminded me a lot of SMB3, which is really the only Mario game I've put a ton of time into as a kid. The second probably being SMW.
No. As others state, experience is better to have than a degree. Nearly every position I've looked at either lists experience as an alternative to a degree (which amounts to less time than I spent in university) or doesn't list a degree requirement at all. And this is for software development/engineering probably…
No one is talking about competition between devices, just that Nintendo should make better hardware. They make inferior hardware.
Plenty to do with everything. Legalization of marijuana has caused nothing but positive outcomes. You are saying it is bad, meaning you don't know things. Thing is, by supporting the idea that marijuana is on the same level of heroin, you support sending people who have done nothing but use or sell marijuana to prison.
Better than your English skills.
GitHub is, to me, the best alternative, though BitBucket is great if you want privacy. The rest don't come close, in my opinion.
Legalization of marijuana in Colorado has contributed $2.3 million to education and 2/3 as much in taxes. Also, crime has plummeted. If you think that sounds bad, then you're no different than the drooling idiots who want to continue the murder and incarceration of average people. Sounds a lot worse than giving a kid…
You are going to face a lot of discrimination in your life. Lots of people don't like complete idiots.
Of course not, it's the only possible response to a moron.
The government also considers marijuana to be in the same league as heroin.
"These specific parts work exactly the same, but these others don't, so it's pretty much identical." It's similar, then.
Since shooting actual bullets is the primary function of a gun, how is an airsoft replica "pretty much identical?"
I reverse-image searched what you posted and it's "mostly metal."…
So the shells have BBs? Weird, but cool for roleplay, I guess. Certainly much, much cheaper than using a real gun.
These guns annoy me, somehow. I guess it's that they're fake and yet have speed loaders. Do those speed loaders speed up anything?
While I think it's true that Pokemon will make money for Nintendo no matter what (there are new kids born every day), Game Freak surely has the development talent others don't.
Kind of interesting how a second party can prop up Nintendo so much. I feel Game Freak has more weight to throw around than you're average second party studio.