Apple Scruff

I was going thinking about the smile thing even before I finished reading your comment! YES, it's so true. Both 'Broad City' and Amy Schumer have addressed that "smile more" trope.

Wow, you are contributing a LOT to conversation! Tell me more!

Just give Sarah Paulson an Emmy now, okay? I felt her humiliation in this episode. It was heart-breaking. I think a lot of people will be looking at Marcia Clark in a different light today.

I like Cordon's format with the couch — it reminds me of Graham Norton's show. But it takes him FOREVER to get to his guests.

Ever since he changed his format and now sits behind the desk from the opening, his show has gotten infinitely better and I actually switch over from Colbert to watch him now. And it's especially good considering SNL's Weekend Update is the weakest it's ever been.

Gooding's smaller size is so distracting for me in this. In 'Jerry Maguire', they had to write his shorter stature into the script to make him more believable as an NFL player.

For some reason, that line made me remember Frozone's line from "The Incredibles" : "Honey, where's my super suit?"

I thought of "Candelabra" while watching this, too. Difference is, Rob Lowe had face tape to get that look on him. Travolta's sadly seen the plastic surgeon a few too many times.

Travolta's also said he creates a new walk for each character. I have a soft spot for him (Saturday Night Fever and Welcome Back, Kotter are two of my favorites) so i'm enjoying him in this, campiness, face work and all!

YES. I just kept thinking Cuba is too short to play OJ. He almost didn't get the part in "Jerry Maguire" because Cameron Crowe thought he was too short. But instead, they wrote it into the script as one of Tidwell's problems.

I'm a nerd for 'Saturday Night Fever'! You should check out VH-1's "Behind the Music" (there is some incredible footage of Travolta rehearsing for the film).

Ha, that's exactly why Fox ordered up a copy of the movie instead of allowing for a little creative license. They know their audience ;)

Amazing! ;)

Yeah, the film took place in the 1950s but it had those 1970s elements — Sandy's red Candies heels, her big curly hair, Danny Zuko's open pink shirt. That seemed to be lost on the designers for 'Grease: Live'. I'm actually surprised William Ivey Long (the costume designer) who is a Broadway veteran would agree to just

I'm pretty sure that is why they put 'Hopelessly Devoted' into the film, as a vehicle for Olivia Newton John. It became a huge hit in 1978. But I thought Jepsen's vocals were horrible so I can't see her song having the same kind of impact.

For me it's Travolta dancing during his peak. I will never tire of watching that.

OMG, have you ever seen Jimmy Fallon's "We Are the Champions" ? I wanted to scream at Arianna Grande and Christina Aguilera to tell them to dial it down. All ridiculous runs and vibrato.

Of NBC's shows, I only saw 'The Wiz' and I was disappointed. It was just…flat and static. It looked like one of those live theatrical stagings that PBS used to air in the 70s (ever see 'The Nutcracker'?) And the camerawork was awkward, lingering on some actors who were not talking while missing others who were. One

THANK YOU! I was SO bothered that the costumes were nearly identical to the film. The whole hand-jive scene — Danny Zuko's pink disco shirt, Frenchy's yellow hair and matching dress, Rizzo's red dress. And a lot of the dialogue was line-for-line from the film. Some of the performances just seemed lifted too

I definitely think the movie is flawed, but one of the things they got right was setting it in NYC, which separates it from source material a bit further. I never knew the original 'Wiz' stage version was set in the midwest, and this disappointed me when I watched last night.