Apple Scruff

"In a move that practically ensures a fresh onslaught of angry, inarticulate tweets from POTUS' The New York Times mistakenly referred to Ivanka Trump as her father’s wife"

I try other Thai dishes, but I always end up going back to pad thai. Recently, I went to lunch with my cousin who is vegan, so out of respect, I ordered tofu pad thai and it was the best pad thai I've ever had. Now, that is always how I order it. When the tofu is cooked right (slightly crispy on the outside), it's the

The scene reminded me of the episode where Van and Earn go out to eat and she orders the pricey meal and drinks while he orders on the cheap. So it's like, she was in HIS shoes this time.

It would be funny if Jayde DID carry an MK purse cause she thought it was "classy" but really it's just basic af.

I don't usually watch the interviews. Same for Colbert (unless it's someone political or someone I'm a fan of, I'm not into the celebrity fluff stuff).

I think most of his sketches are weak, but he's still the best when it comes to sitting behind the desk and discussing politics. You can see it's what he loves most.

He flies a little under-the-radar but I think people are starting to take notice now. I just rediscovered his show a few months ago and really liked how they retooled it. He sits at the desk (instead of opening monologue) and focuses a lot more on politics, which is what he is best at. He's become a must-watch for me

I was a kid and learned every step to 'Blonde Ambition' because it was broadcast on HBO (yes, I was a nerd). It was very critically acclaimed and groundbreaking, it was compared to a Broadway show which was unheard of back then. She does a lot more big dancing numbers in her live shows than in her videos.

Madonna came to NY on a dance scholarship. Watch her 90s concerts (esp Blonde Ambition) to see. She was a dance club queen before she got famous. She's not quite as flawless as those Jackson kids (who is?) but she's accomplished. Britney at her peak was really great too. She just phones it in now.

I won't if you won't.

HEY HEY HEY. 'Only in My Dreams' is a CLASSIC.

Madonna, MJ and Janet all had dancers, but THEY were also legit dancers so it worked. (Hell, even MC Hammer put on quite a show). But I don't know a single performer today who has that level of skill as a dancer and the back-up troupes just look ridiculous behind someone like Katy Perry and Meghan Trainor.

I read somewhere that on The Report, Colbert would not let a guest talk for more than 17 seconds without interrupting, as it was part of his character.

Wilmore was great, his correspondents needed work. I did like Robin and Jordan. But I couldn't stand the other men. And the sketches were usually terrible. He did have a pretty great Trump impersonator, though.

Ha, I thought I was the only one who has seen this. I caught it years ago on VH-1 Rock Docs and I contacted VH-1 and they sent me a copy on DVD. It's very well done!

If you're talking movies (and specifically the NYC hop-hop scene), definitely check out both 'Style Wars' (a documentary) and 'Wild Style' (fiction, but starring people from the real early scene). Both focus heavily on the graffiti writers, hip-hop, breakers. I also recommend (like Toronotomame above) 'NY77: The

Well, they can't all be Entourage, can they?

To whomever last week predicted that the smashed TV/ guitar photo would end up on the Nasty Bits record cover, BRAVO.

YES! I said the same thing. They were masterful in building suspense.

Not gonna lie. I was nervous during those scenes leading up to the verdict. I KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! What is wrong with me?