Apple Scruff

The film is worth sitting through for Michael Jackson who was wonderful ( his dancing is just…wow). Just mute whenever Diana Ross is on. She brought the angst too hard here.

"It felt like NBC was struggling to film an existing Broadway show, not documenting a musical that was specifically staged for this broadcast. "

And they all think Walt is a hero and go around saying "Yeah, Bitch!"

I'm thoroughly convinced that so-called "Breaking Bad" fans who claim that these first two Saul episodes were "boring" (as I have seen while reading through reviews today and on IMDB) are the same folks who binge-watched the entirety of BB in two days, claimed to be diehard fans, but really only enjoyed it for the

And yet, Beck still looks about 15 years old.

Right? It's so hard to explain, but I had lots of feels during this episode. I got a little weepy at the opening and I'm not sure if I was just so moved by Odenkirk or whether they were tears of joy — I was just so happy to be back in Vince Gilligan's world.