
Uh, there's plenty of damn reason. Micro-USB is much smaller, thus you can make your phones thinner instead of always having to keep them a certain thickness due to Mini-USB.

I checked it out and, no offense, but GITSO seems like more hassle than Port forwarding, while not hard, still requires extra setup plus BOTH people need to install software. just requires one person to click a button on the site and the software auto-launches and then the other person just goes to

You forgot one of the easiest free solutions -

Wait, there are legal copies of Windows?

See, that's something that I never noticed until I joined OKCupid and other dating sites - most girls don't have hobbies. Then all of the sudden it made sense why so many girls are nagging and expect guys to devote every waking second to them - because those girls have NOTHING to do with their time.

If that's the case, then between that and this article, I'm thinking people should start boycotting Gizmodo.....

And this lovely example of vapidity is exactly why I specifically put in my profile that I'm a nerd and what sort of things I like - because I have better things to do than waste my time on a useless stuck up bitch like Alyssa.

Because someone talking on their phone is TOTALLY different from them talking to someone sitting right there. *rolls eyes* Someone who talks loud is going to talk loud, regardless of if they're on the phone or in person.

I'd intentionally use my phone and then refuse to pay if someone tried that crap on me.

"There was a time, before cell phones, when people were able to go to a nice dinner and focus on the food and the conversations that they were having with whomever they were dining with. "

Sex with all the hottest girls alive. Also, playing the lottery multiple times, running for Dictator of Earth, and building fully working replicas of the Death Star and a Super class Star Destroyer.

And yet even after watching this, you'll still have people go on to support giving even MORE control to governments....

Except if you have a job that requires you to fly somewhere, you are being forced to be molested or lose your job. God I hope someone takes one for the team and refuses TSA rape and gets fires so that they can sue the fuck out of the TSA.

........except that there are plenty of 4G Android phones out there (don't even bitch about the 'it's not REAL 4G' crap) - there are zero iPhones or Blackberries that are 4G. I'd say it's quite likely that almost 1/3 of all Android phones currently in use (or at least by the people surveyed) are 4G phones.

Aw, both people who have a Mac and bought an Android tablet instead of their beloved iPad are angry..... how cute.

Yea, I have an Evo 3D (has an Evo 4G) with Sprint and I wish to god that my house wasn't just outside the 4G coverage....I'd drop the home internet and get the WiMax for my house in a heartbeat - more speed for less money.

And by "kludgy" you mean "it does more than two things, which confuses her".

I love how there's a whopping five people who actually care about the Pre 3....

And when those academics and scientists who disagreed voiced their opinions, people like you screamed that they were just paid off by "evil corporations". Mr. Pot, I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine - Mr. Kettle.

As a guy who plays a lot of video games I can safely say two things 1) I have never come across guys saying anything bad towards girls and 2) almost every single game has a 'mute' button.