
Maybe "you" are different, but hiring managers as a group have shown time and again that they don't want honesty and just want someone who'll play the game in order to stroke the hiring managers over-inflated ego.

When the economy is booming, you're right. However, when it's not, the person being interviewed doesn't really give a crap about your company - they simply want a paycheck so that they can put food on the table and pay the rent / mortgage. Interviewers use incredibly arbitrary things like "attitude and personality"

The most important thing to avoid during an interview? The truth. Honest people rarely succeed in the business world.

The problem being that interviewers don't want an honest answer. They ask questions that they're aware anyone in the know will lie about and use them to reject people with less interview experience who haven't yet learned that you're supposed to lie your ass off during interviews. It's rather sad that we allow this

Dear Facebook Staff,

So you're saying that if you work in a job (or say field and you're trying to change careers) where you're underpaid, overworked, not respected, etc that it's YOUR fault? Riiiiight. If only all of us had your luxury of never having to actually work for a paycheck and thus work shitty jobs to get by.

Actually, his article could have been covered in three words - "I'm a dick".

Hell, even if he pays for his own training (such as grad school), he's still likely fucked because they want someone with at least 5 years of experience, even for an entry level position (apparently they don't understand what the term "entry level" means).

" And that relationship may save you down the road when some jobs have to be cut."

Exactly - he's the reason everyone hates looking for a job. He wants you to sing odes about how wonderful your current job is - but what if your current job is crap (hence why you're applying for a NEW job)? His small mind doesn't comprehend that possibility. He also doesn't grasp the difference between having

Yea, the whole "register your card to download free apps" crap pisses me off with EVGA. I've bought many of their cards over the years because they're reliable and tend to cost less than the competition, but that crap just annoys me - so I just don't use it.

Dead on about taxes. Very few people have tax information convoluted enough to require a professional - those people are there to do taxes for small businesses and to rip off the lazy / stupid individuals. I suggest that since the author thinks he saves so much by having a pro do it, he should invest $45 of that in

Funny that most job postings are just HR generated crap that often has little to do with the skills necessary for the actual job, yet you want to whine about people not wasting hours creating thousands of different copies of their resume just to pass your BS filter?

No, the key to "how to stop f-ing doing it" is you simply STOP DOING IT. =) It's really not that complicated. All it takes is the desire to actually stop doing it. As I said, there's only one step in how to stop doing something - you simply stop doing it.

"You'll still expire just as quick as the rest of the geezers that can't afford the treatment. Just say'n.."

You don't NEED massively overpriced government funded health care. You treat people as the individuals responsible for their own well being that they are. If they choose to not buy healthcare on their own or work hard in school to find a job where the employer pays for it for them, that's their own damn fault - no

Ah yes, the excuse of the irresponsible "other people should be forced to pay my bills". That's nothing but childish immaturity to demand someone else pay your bills. If you say that people should VOLUNTEER and donate money to help him pay his bills, go ahead. Saying that they should face prison or violence for not

That's because, due to wonderful Federal law, insurance companies are not allowed to operate in all 50 states. If they were, there would be much more competition and we'd have lower prices - but that would mess up the government's desire to run everything, so they continue to ban it.

So instead of accepting that no one else caused your diabetes and paying the money necessary for YOUR treatment, you'd rather shove your financial burdens off onto other people? Classy. Please, go to Canada and take your poor sense of personal responsibility with you - it'll make the US a better place.

My advice - use either T-Mobile or Sprint. Unless their plans changed, T-Mobile doesn't charge for using your phone as a mobile hot spot and Sprint doesn't seem to mind (friends and I have tethered several gigs a month over 3G repeatedly with no warnings and Sprint doesn't track the 4G WiMax usage at all).