
So you think in real life you can keep your gender private? Granted, there have been a few instances of people pretending to be another gender and hiding it, but almost always all it takes is for someone to look at you for .1 seconds and they know what your gender is.

They're not asking for your sexual preference, they're asking for your GENDER - as in do you have a penis or do you have a vagina. This is (with very few medical exceptions) a binary question. It's either "Yes, I have a penis" (male) or "Yes, I have a vagina" (female) and for those very few who have both (very rare,

$150 for a Wii, $200 for a much for the sexy girl? Cuz that I'd be interested in purchasing....

You'd think that they would've done a trial run of "This is what you push on the damn tablet"....

Don't bash the Evo 3D - I traded in my Evo 4G for $150 and got my Evo 3D for $50 and it's f-ing amazing. Beyond fast and amazing battery life to boot. Makes me so glad that I switched from an iPhone to Android.

Yea, I'm a month shy of 27 and haven't had a landline since I moved out at the end of college. Why pay for another phone I'll never use?

Too bad the Touchpad and Pre Duo will barely have any apps or customers buying them....

1) No, we don't just have to deal with it. If people said "Screw this, no more" and actually did it, servers would quit / riot and things would be changed back to how it used to be where you only got a tip for doing a good job - not just because you showed up for work.

No, the price of service is already included in the price of the food. If it's not, then why the hell should a measly 8 oz steak cost over $10? The problem is that people are expected to pay twice - once for the food (and all the staffing costs included with it) then pay a second time for the staff. Restaurants

Then they need to start cutting the price of food in half if they expect customers to be paying for the normal expenses PLUS an additional fee to pay the waiter / waitress. This would be one of the reasons I rarely go out to eat.

Quite true.

Yea, I don't get why you're expected to tip someone just for doing the job they were paid to do. If someone does a fantastic job and you feel that they deserve extra, then tip - but the other 99% of workers who are just doing what they're paid to do.......why should they be paid extra?

Which is exactly the problem with the US. Instead of being mature adults, everyone wants to blame someone else and sue everyone. God forbid someone actually had to suffer some negative consequences for their actions...

Exactly. Other games set it to save to the SD card so you can back it up / swap SD cards and have your saved games right there.

It's not libel / slander if it's true.

Because managers want vengeance instead of being mature and saying "John was a great / decent / average / whatever employee, but due to him giving no notice about quitting, he's not re-hirable at our company".

That would be Gizmodo's site being crap. I only clicked post once, then closed the page. I guess it's another nifty feature to go along with the horrible redesign, because I've never seen it happen before.

The only person I know who still likes a Blackberry is my sister who's afraid of touchscreen phones because OMFG you have to actually pay attention to what you're pressing.