
Unfortunately, while you're right about the iPad's limitations, you don't seem to understand the difference between "your" and "you're". Maybe Apple needs to make an app called iGrammar?

The only real improvement that I want in the Docs App is for them to allow easy uploading of files from your phone to Google Docs (such as if a colleague emails me a ppt and I want to upload it to Google Docs, being able to save the attachment to my SD card and then upload it).

My lack of self worth by working hard, getting praised by my supervisors at work due to my quality of work, and getting into a selective grad school program? Right. I earn my money - the difference is that unlike you, I'm not some lazy shit who thinks I have a RIGHT to money just for existing. I'm not going to

I read bits and pieces of your crap and just wow. You do realize that all of the wonderful comforts you enjoy every day only exist because of those evil hardworking people, right? The only reason why you're not living in servitude to some asshole King is because of those same hardworking people who fought to make a

Pretty much. I was a responsible student and as such my grades were consistent regardless of if I had early morning classes, late morning / afternoon classes, or night classes.

But this is America goddamit! Someone / something else is always to blame for our mistakes!

But that requires EFFORT. It's a lot easier to just demand that the company pay you more. And he makes $540 a week before taxes (well, if he worked full time). While it's not great, it's not shitty.

And who's forcing him to live in Trendycisco? No one. He could move to a cheaper city making identical pay at another Apple store if he truly had an issue with it. People move due to jobs / cost of living all the time.

The employees that are valuable (engineers, developers, marketing team, etc) ARE paid well. The tech support people are unskilled / low skilled and are easily replaced - hence they're not paid more. Literally a trained monkey could do what the "geniuses" do - hence why they're not paid more. And making around $30k

You obviously know little about unions. I have several relatives in unions and they've all experienced the thuggery, such as threats against their family (including threats to kill their children) from union members who wanted to ensure that they'd do what the union said. This is quite common among unions - it's

*slow clap*

He's not fighting for his rights. He's fighting to use thuggery to force a company to pay him more money to do the same UNSKILLED job instead of improving himself through education or an improved work ethic to be more valuable to the company (or other companies) and earn more.

Disparity of wealth is fairly proportional to the disparity of work ethic. Those who don't work hard get paid little and those who do / did work hard get paid significantly more.

So why not ask him "Why didn't you go to school?" or "Why not work towards a better job?" People who work jobs like that for life are those who lack the motivation to improve their lot. Yea, I work doing similar work to that for $15 an hour - but I also signed up for grad school while doing it so that I can improve

Or take other jobs such as car manufacturing or the NY/NJ port where even though it's heavily automated now, they're forced to keep highly paid union workers around who do NOTHING because the machines replaced them - this just means added cost to consumers.

Wages haven't been falling - wages for UNSKILLED workers have, because they're unskilled and in less demand. $14 an hour is typical for help desk / tech support work, which is what these people do. I'm sure Apple actually DOES pay well - for SKILLED workers such as programmers and engineers.

"Nobody is making fun of the old people. We find it...adorable for lack of a better, less creepy word. "

Oh come on, most of his reviews are horribly off. His reviews are more useful for taking the inverse of to determine if a movie is actually good. Generally, if he says it's good, it's horrible - and if he says it's horrible, it's a great movie.

Well that was a matter of you not being very smart in the first place. If you have MORE debt when you're earning more, you've got some serious flaws in your thought process. Money doesn't buy happiness - but it does buy most of the things that help make you happy (including a wife, because it's been determined by

My compliant about no Gamecube backwards compatibility isn't even the gaming - it's the fact that now if I play Super Smash Bros, I have to use the not-so-great "classic controller" or the abysmal wiimote+nunchuck controls. There's a reason people love hooking the Gamecube controllers up for Smash Bros Brawl on Wii.