
Or to use Steve Jobs terminology "they're syncing it wrong". =D

Sorry, but #2 "I wish I hadn't worked so hard" is a load of shit. The only reason that you had the standard of living you have is because you worked hard. If they hadn't worked as hard, they'd have been saying "I wish I'd worked harder so I could give my family a better life".

If he was breathing, he wouldn't be dead =D

Yes, but starting with Android 2.3.4 they broke that. They originally didn't make Facebook use some specific API and now all of the sudden they're making them use it so if you link to Facebook profiles to get people's email / phone numbers, then if you upgrade to a phone with 2.3.4 you'll lose all of that.

Yup - why they would be fanboys for a particular carrier, I have no idea. They've finally reneged once they realized that (where we live at least) they get just as good of a signal and pay far less money (around $35 a month less) switching to Sprint from Verizon. I never told them to switch (I was surprised when

Funny, all of my die-hard Verizon friends are bailing for Sprint to get lower prices and better 4G Android phones.

Change "Glorious Leader" to "Messiah" and "North Korea" to "United States" and it works just as well!

Except that what's not given here is information regarding these two men. Given the way that the employee was talking, it's implied that they (or people they hang out with or dress / behave like) have caused trouble for the store before. That makes a HUGE difference than if just two people walk into a store and the

Seconded. I've never experienced this and I've watched 3D and 2D movies in multiple theaters in my area quite often. I think the people complaining about it just have brain dead 16 year olds running the projectors.

It's funny though, reading the Android article they actually mentioned features that Android has that iOS doesn't. This one is just an ode to how far their head is stuck up Steve Jobs ass without listing anything that iOS does that Android doesn't.

People do it because they're narcissistic assholes who think someone actually CARES what the twit tweets. They then harass people to @follow them so that they can pretend that they actually have friends instead of actually making friends and having real conversations.

It's interesting that you can't understand the difference between you asking your girlfriend "Hey, what did you eat for dinner?" and her posting "OMFG!! Just had teh most l33t cheezburgerz!!!" because she thinks everyone should give a crap.

Email or IM covers most of it. As for the "social" aspect? That's called blogs / forums. I also hear on these blogs / forums that you can have ACTUAL conversations not limited to a short blurb.

Sorry Mat, but Twitter IS stupid and used by stupid people. No one gives a crap about what you're doing every second of the day. Your claim of it allowing "deeper connections" is bogus too since you cannot have meaningful discussions in 160 character bursts.

I used to do the four-in-hand when I was younger (what I was taught by my dad), but now I always do the Full's got a bigger knot which I think gives off more of a professional look. I rarely wear a tie, so when I do it's for a damn good reason and as such, I try to make it look the best I can.

There is a FB plugin for it, but it's really unstable, which is why I changed from Pidgin back to using AIM - because AIM now has integrated FB chat and Gchat.

I downloaded JuiceDefender and tried it over the weekend - my battery life got WORSE using it. But that could be because my phone is rooted and already running profiles on setCPU and other scripts with Tasker to save the battery.

Can you share a link for the gorgeous blonde in the Gawker Artists Shop ad on this page? =D

It's still a name that's blatantly associated with a Christian "diety" for the last 2,000 years. Would you defend me naming a child Adolf because it's a traditional German name?

I dunno, girls who are 4'11 are pretty hot.....