
Hey, as long as a girl's middle name is "Of-Nine", I'm totally down with naming her Seven!

Danny is actually an english name. It's also not like it's something that people aren't aware of - everyone there speaks english (or at least the majority do), so they're well aware that the parents were just idiots with an obsession with a damn website.

By making it so that you cannot replace the hard drive if you choose (or the video card or anything but RAM, which I'm sure they'll break on the next iMac), you're screwing your customers. Would you try to claim that Ford wasn't screwing their customers over if they changed the wheels so that only Ford could remove

Hardly. Just like we don't have "Everyone in X area is a commie and everyone in Y area is a capitalist" in the US now. People in different regions have different views. The difference was that people in the South were not only having their rights trampled, but they were having one of their largest sources of income

Except back then, blacks weren't considered people, remember? I'm not saying it was right, but that was the legal standing of them back then. Therefore that is NOT a contradiction. It's like if we decide to give cats and dogs the right to vote 150 years from now and then claim that we were "contradicting" our views

Unsupported by CURRENT courts. Back when we actually followed the Constitution (pre-Civil War), they supported it. Hell, there are records of early Presidents vetoing funding for public roads and such because the Constitution didn't authorize the Federal government to do any such thing.

"You know, these people concentrate on the content, they care about the things they do using the computer, not the computer itself. "

True, iMacs aren't for people who actually know how to use a computer.

You're mistaking current twisted takes on the Constitution for what it was originally intended for. Yes, the Constitution gave the Federal government power in certain areas to prevent states going to war, but it was never about having the Federal government be more powerful. It didn't NEED to be an enumerated right

Because the Federal government had no authority to ban slavery. Why is that such a hard concept for you to grasp?

There was a right to succession - the 10th Amendment, which states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people".

Like I said, it depends on what you're buying.

Wow, no. You're so, so wrong.

You mean the flag that stood for following the US Constitution and allowing states to run themselves?

Here's some flaws...

If depreciation is killing you, then you didn't pick a particularly good car and / or you're selling it too quickly. You should always keep it for at least 2-3 years after you paid off the car.

I'll never buy used again. If you buy new and are smart about it, you can get a great car for a good price, with a warranty (at no extra cost), and you know what's happened to the car (no surprise breakdowns).

It also screws your computer. I ran PdaNet for a good 6 months with no issues - I install this update and my Win 7 laptop starts locking up repeatedly. I uninstalled it and reverted back to an older version of the software (desktop end only) and no more crashes.

They're not watching the mission - they were watching Dancing with the Stars. Hillary was just shocked at how huge Kirsty Alley is these days.

You know that MS put out a free update for Office 2000 / XP / 2003 that allows them to read the new formats, right?