
That reminds me of one I hate - I hate clicking on a download link and instead of downloading the program it downloads a downloader to download the program. WTF?

So you hate that MS massively improved the ease of use for the menu and made it incredibly intuitive so that people who don't spend 10,000 hours memorizing the horrific menu system of the previous versions (which is like 99% of the population) don't waste time trying to do what they want. It's always nice to meet a

Apps are better than websites because you can have things properly sized for the phone. With a website you have to zoom in and deal with hoping that the site was coded right so that everything works in the phone's browser - with an app, it's not a worry.

I've got a better tool - it's called when a dick cop tries to use this to violate your rights, you pull out your 9 and bust a cap in that pigs ass =p

85% of what market? Tablets? So what? Google had 3.5% of the smartphone market and now is the #1 in just a year. The smacked Apple silly with smartphones and they'll do it again in a year or two with tablets.

Apple keeps a frakking file hidden on your phone logging where you are and such that they can then pull out that would be SPYING.

Bull. We all saw the videos of the Verizon iPhone launch where NO ONE showed up to buy it. The people who truly wanted an iPhone already switched to AT&T a long time ago to get one. The overwhelming majority of iPhone sales on Verizon will be from people simply moving from AT&T to Verizon, which will increase

Yes, yes you can market a bad product. Haven't you ever seen a politician? Apple's strength is that they have a core user base of religious fanatics who truly do worship Lord Jobs and thus will buy ANYTHING that he tells them to. He could literally take an iPhone 4 and simply draw a 5 on the back with a Sharpie

Well Adobe Air could allow for apps that would run on ANY mobile OS that allows you to install Air. The problem is that given Lord Jobs unjustified hatred of Adobe, I doubt that iOS will ever see this feature....

I hate Apple as much as the next freedom loving person, but I've yet to find any mention anywhere of Apple ever producing an "iTouch"....

You like an "ecosystem" where your device lacks the ability to browse a large portion of web content due to Lord Jobs irrational hatred of Adobe? Where Apple spies on you? Where Lord Jobs tells you how you can and cannot use YOUR device? Where when enough users complain about a lack of basic features, such as

It's because you're not doing the math right. If you take 59% of 23.8 and add it to 23.8, you get 37.842. Thus the Apple number is 59% higher than Android.

It also doesn't matter that now that real Android tablets that are actually sanctioned by Google are coming out, the iPad is going to be quickly bitchslapped off its pedestal, just like the iPhone was.

Yea..."OMG! A more realistic experience due to improved depth perception and sense of scaled! God, that's just SO LAME! I watch my movies in 2D so that way I KNOW it's not immersive!"

Really? How about learning some humility and realizing how quickly an "accident" could prove fatal.

If it wasn't for using a camera I'd have just said he was Amish...

You could be right - or there's another possibility which is that now that Apple has seen that they're #3 and have no chance in hell of being number one in the smartphone OS market again (at least with Steve Jobs running things), they figured they'd just start patent trolling to try to get money....kind of how the

Or maybe the iPhone 5 isn't coming? We all ASSUME it is, but you never know.


Yea, everyone always gets mad when I point out that WE (consumers through all the Western world) caused this recession. WE racked up our personal debt to unsustainable levels and WE racked up these massive government deficits. Sure, not EVERYONE did it, but in general, everyone was responsible for it.