
Dear Lifhacker (and all other tech blogs),

Bloatware on a phone is anything that's pre-installed and cannot be removed without rooting the phone.

" I wasn't aware that the issue here is to do with teenagers but if you really feel that people would get worked up over what teenagers do with each other or even an older (adult) boyfriend/girlfriend then you are deluding yourself. "

Homosexuals are 100% relevant because up until a few decades ago, assholes like you were using the same exact arguments, only replacing "pedophile" with "homosexual". It's entirely about people being different from what you like and demanding they be destroyed - it's for this very reason that there's been the eternal

Really? So you also think that homosexuals can't function in society, especially around members of their gender, right? Because as we all know, being attracted to someone automatically forces you to rape them. *rolls eyes*

Yes, I'm a horrible people for not screaming "Anyone who's different from me should be murdered!"

Wow., Marcus. So much bullshit that it's not even funny. Your entire rant is just "anyone who doesn't like the things I like is crazy and should be thrown in jail". Please, don't ever reproduce.

How is a person looking at pictures harming anyone? I just looked at your screen name on here - does this mean I just harmed you?

People feel this way because it's not their personal preference. Just like how we have similar foaming at the mouth and "kill them!" rants about consensual incest, polygamy, same sex marriage, etc.

That's not a matter of poor browsers, those pages that only display in IE are a matter of poor programming on the part of the site creator, who was too incompetent to make a site that works on all browsers.

His exact words were "Are you seriously trying to defend banking practices? Give us a break."

Yea, how horrible of them to expect your to pay your bills - and pay them by a certain date! God, why can't they just hand out free money like all the government welfare programs?

If you can't qualify for a credit card, then you really, REALLY shouldn't be buying anything other than the bare necessities until you learn how to manage your money and pay your bills.

.....or you could follow the directions on the pump that say "If you're using a credit card and need to go over the limit, do on transaction to the limit, end it, then just swipe your card again and pump until full.

Females are bat-shit crazy. News at 11.

Well you could always just have someone make a bonfire and toss your body on it - sure it wouldn't destroy your bones, but it would eradicate the rest and then the bones could just be put in the ground (no coffin) or tossed out to sea.

That leads to groundwater contamination, which is a big no-no.

I'm glad to see Nintendo gets what 3D is about. I've heard too many people complain about recent 3D movies (such as Tron Legacy) because "stuff wasn't popping out of the screen" - that looks tacky, but giving a real sense of depth and distance really does make a difference.

Yes, yes it is. Besides, if you do even the tiniest amount of smart shopping and go online, you can grab one off Amazon for $20 or less.