
No, what you're doing is ignoring what they're talking about (Operating System) and discussing hardware instead. Yes, it's great that the iPhone is one model that sells so well - but it doesn't change the fact that OS wise, people prefer Android.

God I wish we had a Slashdot style mod system so I could mod your ass troll. It's about OPERATING SYSTEM, not HARDWARE. Jesus, this has been pointed out millions of times, but you little Apple fanboys just can't get over the fact that Android is more popular.

"Or urging the husband to make me a cup of tea. "

First off, it never said anything about cats being hurt - merely scared. Secondly, even if the cats WERE harmed, who gives a damn? They're cats - they're lower than rats or politicians on the "likeability index".

"I was under the impression that the age of consent (if under 18) is only up to 10 years age difference, so it may be the issue still."

"Why are pedo teachers always so damn hot?"

"Mine as well wait for a tablet to come out on another network."

Well, now that Spring raised the monthly bill for 3G phones by $10, Sprint no longer charges extra for 4G either.

And I will simply disconnect if they raise the price too high. Sadly, most people don't have the balls to do that and will merely bitch about being raped without ever trying to fight off the rapist.

"Once you realize that you're near a hotspot almost all the time"

Jesus, is it really necessary for you to make a post about a post about the iPad 2? You already have at least two other posts about the damn thing on the main page already. We get it, you're love Apple because it's trendy and makes you feel like you "belong". Stop shouting about it already, please.

Exactly - they knew about it LONG before the CDMA iPhone was created and even had to completely re-design the antenna on the CDMA version. But they couldn't be bothered to put a bit of effort out and make sure the damn thing WORKS properly.

"When it comes to Consumer Reports they make money off having a clean reputation."

We're also the only species to have done research into vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Think about it.

I've read as much info as there is and I don't recall her ever saying she was raped. Given the way things in the US are today, pretty much anything can be classified as "sexual assault", so you really can't tell what actually happened.

I already spent four years proving that I could live poorly - it was called "college".

And what does MS do to prevent people from buying Apple or building using Linux? What's that you say? Nothing? Hm.... Then there's that pesky issue of Windows, OS X, and Linux all coming with a web browser and a media player pre-installed, but since MS has a big bank account, they get fined to rack up more funding

The world's biggest asshole who's now pushing policies to screw over consumers everywhere, even if they don't use his product? Yes, yes I do.

They're also not that well informed either. Back when I had an iPhone 3GS, I had it in to get a replacement due to defects and I asked if there was any way to backup the contacts without setting up the phone with an Exchange account. The "genius" tried to convince me that it will automatically back them up to

Yes, I've seen someone act immature and get their way in an Apple store. Sadly, this person was my friend. We both went in to get warranty work done (me on my iPhone, he on his MacBook) and since their appointments are 15 minutes long for a phone / iPod / iPad and 30 minutes or an hour (I forget, this was a year or