
Attention moron:

Having known people who had to be taken to the hospital for both brown recluse and black widow bites, when simply just walking around their home, I say a hearty "Screw you, Adrian".

The Hitler mark on that graphic is way off. With all the government owned businesses and restrictions economically, there's no way in hell you can claim Hitler supported economic freedom.

This is not a matter of politicians being anti-consumer, it's a simple matter of politicians being utter morons and not knowing what they're voting on (which happens quite often).

SSSSSH! Gizmodo editors don't want to hear anything that doesn't promote the superiority of Apple!

*crosses fingers*

Well see, now you're expecting people to know that Silicon Valley is in California and that Microsoft HQ is in Redmond, Washington. Come on man, Americans can barely find the 7/11 down the street, let alone be bothered to know what states other cities / locales are in.

Or you know, people standing on the side of the road not paying attention to how close they are to traffic could be involved too.

You're an idiot for saying that people can't be blinded by the sun. On my way home from work, the sun is perfectly level with your eyes and sun visors can't block it and sun glasses don't do much (seriously, try it - put on sun glasses and then look DIRECTLY into the sun) - I'm waiting for the day when I get into a

Next up - Apple wants 30% of the profits of all apple's sold.

The EU fines Microsoft billions every morning when they wake up, purely because Microsoft exists. You at least have to hand it to the US government for not making up bullshit charges all the time to raise extra revenue.

I used to be content to just not buy games with DRM (because I really do dislike pirating games and want to reward the developers), but after an employee from Eidos flat out lied to me about the DRM on Batman: Arkham Asylum to get me to buy it (when I'd already stated that I wouldn't buy anything with DRM and online

Other than downloading tv shows that I miss (sorry, but streaming on my laptop isn't nearly as nice as downloading the hi-def episode and plugging my hard drive into my PS3), the only time I condone it (because I really do dislike it) is when companies want to screw you over.

So they have two options - Use Android and compete with other companies (ZOMG! Having to make a good product! OH NO!) and use Windows Phone 7 and compete with no one because no one wants Windows Phone 7. One leads to a guarantee to sell phones, one leads to a death sentence. Elop should be fired, ASAP for this

So you're willing to ditch actually having Apps you can use (with a constantly growing library of apps) just to support a dying company? Have fun with that.

Either you're trolling in regards to your Android comments, or you've never used anything but a bargain bin Android phone. Android is anything but sluggish, even on a mid-range phone.

User friendly means nothing if there's no apps to go with the OS. See WebOS for more information.

Considering that everyone and their mother has Android phones, the most likely explanation for Nokia to have a deal with Google "fall through" is by Nokia making some unreasonable demand.

.........Why? I thought their whole motivation for ditching Meego / Symbian was to have an OS that people WANT. Look at how abysmal Windows Phone 7 sales have been since it's release - they sold a large batch right away and then pretty much nothing since then. Why jump from a burning platform onto a sinking ship?

I know, right? Sure it looks fancy, but it's insane to read through. Even the blog view isn't as easy to read as the old site.