
@OneTech: Yea, I know what you mean - I think it would be great (especially with an Android tablet that has a kickstand), but it's just too expensive for me right now.

@SBP1: When I had an iPhone 3GS I did from time to time. It wasn't a planned thing, but sometimes I'd be on the phone and someone would ask a question and I'd just flip to speaker-phone and look up the answer online with my phone. It's not a critical feature, but it is handy. I've gotten disconnected from things I

@HK-47: Thank you for realizing that, while it may have flaws, Flash is an important feature to have in any browser.

@Zeno_Of_Citium: Nope, I have the same issue. Unless it's a youtube video they post, they don't run in Chrome for me anymore - all I get is audio.

@Jangoforhire: It's not so much about feel as it is about how you can move your fingers. I haven't used a laser keyboard (no spare cash to buy one), but it looks like it would be easier to actually type on (like full speed typing) than a touch screen.

@OneTech: Well, since Android supports (as far as I know) basically any Bluetooth device, if you're not afraid of plunking down $150 for an add on, you can buy a Bluetooth laser keyboard (it's about the size of a lighter).

@usedtowork: It's impressive how much drugs they're on if they think that removing functionality is something to be proud of.

Huh....and here I thought this was going to talk about how the Android tablets are better and you shouldn't waste your money on an inferior device.

@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: No, it means that there CAN be buttons on there, I've yet to see anything saying that they cannot put physical buttons on. I'm going to be very, very disappointed with Google if they fuck up Android and take away the physical buttons. Might as well get an iFail if

It's missing the buttons. FAIL.

@RGLarson: Wow, there's so much bullshit in there that it's not even funny.

@bobthefrog1114: ...........What part of that went over your head? I showed that it's fully possible to use one handed in portrait and that if there's an issue, it's a physical issue with your hands. I then asked why the hell someone would spend most of their time using portrait mode.

@RGLarson: Because your numbers are from a dying age where you didn't need education. Do you think Bill Gates would have risen to the top if he was in his 20' today and dropping out of college instead of getting a top notch education in computers? Possible, but very doubtful.

@bobthefrog1114: When I want to google something - I hit search. Guess what? I just picked up my phone and hit the search button with one hand. It's not hard. However, who the hell uses a phone with a touchscreen keyboard in portrait mode most of the time?

@siwex80: And something the iPhone is useless at, unless you want to shell out a crap load of money on a navigation app. Just because Samsung is stupid and can't make a device that works doesn't mean that Android is bad.

@bobthefrog1114: You obviously don't use your phone much other than calls. I use the search button all the time on my Evo. I'd be pretty pissed if some moron decided to remove it.

@siwex80: Yes, but what would she have DONE with said iPhone?

@BaldwinPeriphetes: Why should he be fired? Was anyone harmed by this? Well, maybe innocent Paki's who were forced to put up with her, but no one in the UK was harmed by it. This is like a one week-unpaid suspension type of infraction.

@Jeremy Peter Green: Or just give her something to make her go into cardiac arrest and slap a DNR on...