What? Me Worry?

The center lane thing is just daft.

Yea. The center lane thing is strange.

The center lane law I find somewhat dubious.

I think the three-lane rule literally applies to three lanes — not a six lane highway with two sets of three.

I’m no fan of Trump, not by a long shot, and I’m no fan of Sanders, but while her answer wasn’t great, I don’t think it was terrible.

Cut out two doors and remove the top, and I would pay an irresponsibly large amount of money for it. Kids can figure out their own way through college.

Will he and his lawyers refuse and pull some sort of “executive privilege”

Doesn’t work so well under oath though.

With any luck, they do have such a picture but without a face attached to it. Maybe there will be some sort of distinguishing attribute (size? color? comb-over?) and the court will be forced to force Trump to drop trou to prove it isn’t him.

It is disturbing how plausibly that reads as a Trump quote.

Occam’s razor says the simplest explanation is likely the right one: Trump is an idiot.

Oh, so the Earth is curved now?

How do you explain the fact that no combustion was noted and it was still skimming across the water without an arc type trajectory (like say a rail gun round?)

Um... I’ll just leave this here. ARPANet had already existed since 1969.

I want to like this. Some of the writing is funny. I like the premise. I love Drew Barrymore. But her acting is absolutely awful in this show and some of the writing is a bit lazy, and the cast as a whole never seemed to gel.

But does it come with Audi’s legendary unreliability from 10 years ago?

“Listen to the entire podcast here and here.”

OHMYGOSH! I didn’t remember Frances McDormand being in that movie. I’m going to have to re-watch it now.

I can’t watch this. Looking at her ugly, racist face is hilarious enough.

Not exactly a novel design — I’ve been using a wallet like this for decades. Still, there aren’t many variations of this theme on the market so it’s good to see another one on the market.

Not exactly a novel design — I’ve been using a wallet like this for decades. Still, there aren’t many variations of