What? Me Worry?

I’m pretty much as far from an Apple fan as you can get but even I must admit that’s probably the best and most thoughtful way anyone has ever expressed what happened with Apple.

I am an athiest and every meal with my family I hold hands as my wife says grace.  I do not believe as she does.  But I respect her belief, want her to be happy, and it does not kill me to hold hands with her and my son and be quiet for a moment.  So I do, because I love her. 

This is not the River Kwai you’re looking for.

He seems fine, but the car doesn’t seem cut out for his passenger.

“Dave’s not here, man”

I keep my thoughts and prayers locked away in a safe place, so that any kids or mentally deranged people in my house can’t accidentally take one of those thoughts or prayers and use it in a way that was not intended.  I learned my lesson after my 5 year old nephew found an unattended thought in my house and started

I find your language repulsive, you are cheapening sincere thoughts and prayers by offering them to snowflakes who had their feelings hurt. Thoughts and prayers are the most powerful weapons we have in our arsenal to combat gun violence in America, so they need to be saved and only used in cases of actual physical

I, for one, would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to any 2nd Amendment people that were harmed during the filming of this.

I see your point, but I think this situation is completely different than refusing service to someone because they are gay, or Black. Denying service to an entire category of people just because of the way they were born - like being gay, or being Black - is VERY different than being held accountable as an individual

Just the other say I saw a Calvin pissing sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said don’t look back, you can never look back.

Awesome opinion, bro.

This. I don’t think even Apple tried to position it as a smart speaker. It’s just a really good speaker, with some added functionality and priced accordingly compared to other similar speakers

Now playing

Not necessarily. The design goal Apple had was to pack a decently powerful (in 2013) set of components into a tiny box that only needed one fan and look like an art piece on the desk, which they did do.

The Flat Earthers have nothing to fear except the sphere itself...

I would probably respond to this article, Drew, but I need to check with George Soros on what liberal talking points and affirmations I need for this subject. As a paid protester and actor hired by Open Society Foundations, I want to properly represent my opinion that aligns with His (Soros) views.

Thoughts and prayers

“This is one savior you DON’T want to cross.” 

“I’m not crazy, why would I commit to something whole-heartedly if it wasn’t true?”

You’re confusing the theory of evolution with the theory of abiogenesis. Abiogenesis studies how early organic molecules and life forms could be formed from non organic substances under the right conditions. Evolution states how life forms grow and change over many generations of time.

New amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: