I was pretty convinced there was going to be a break-up halfway through.
I was pretty convinced there was going to be a break-up halfway through.
I’ve been mugged. I’ve had my home broken into. There is literally nothing I own that’s worth killing another human being over
What if we put limits on how many firearms an individual could buy?
Thus, in my mind, there’s really only two options: let things go as they are (given the majority of gun owners really do follow the rules we already have), or have a complete adoption of other countries’ gun control (i.e. an actual ban and seizure of all guns).
A $100 rental fee is all you need to get behind the wheel of a truck that can kill dozens of people faster than anyone can shoot them.
Pass a gun control law. Violence doesn’t go away. Pass another gun control law. Violence doesn’t go away. Pass another gun control law. Violence doesn’t go away.
Stopping power, morale, maintenance, potential failures: I know which one is better. Do you?
Gun owners should be liable for any harm caused by their weapon, no matter who causes it, unless they can show (1) they are not responsible for the person that caused the harm, i.e. the person is not a dependent, (2) that they took reasonable steps to secure their firearm, and (3) if the firearm was stolen or…
welp.... i’d say something like you should ban all guns that arent bolt action rifles or shotguns and things would get a lot better
Why did you not mention that Prime Minister Abe did the exact same thing just moments before? A little research can go a long way in a journalism career.
I feel a bit confused as to why he said this
Still more likely to be killed by Alzheimer’s than by a gun.
“Seriously though, why protest during the anthem? Why then? The only reason I can think of is to piss off people.”
You may turn in your Jalop card on the way out. (Unless you have a physical ailment that prevents you from operating a third pedal).
Is the interior better than a new Fusion (checks google and it doesn’t look like it)
Aesthetics are important to a lot of people, myself included, but saying it has a “practical use” in the way that an umbrella does is pretty misleading.
What’s the practical use of a hood ornament?
it’s cool you like tesla and musk and all, but maybe the government should take that F35 budget and not hand it out to private, for-profit enterprises
I don’t quite understand your position. You write as if you still believe god exists, but that he’s an asshole which you refuse to worship. When you say you ‘walked away’ does that mean you had the realization that god doesn’t exist, or just that you refuse to worship him/her/it?
I got tired watching it.