What? Me Worry?

Nothing here about treating a yellow light as “speed up”? (which you shouldn’t do, but which most people use as a reason to blast through an intersection).

Okay so explain the church goers she talks about in the latter half of her article, the ones she associates with now.

I think he’s just using a play on words

Well, technically, anyone who strictly adheres to any religion is by definition racist. It doesn’t mean they will be wearing a hood and burning crosses on someones lawn, but they are racist.

Does your church allow you to worship multiple gods from multiple religions? I assume your Catholic (or whatever) church is handing out the Koran during Mass?

Well, technically, anyone who strictly adheres to any religion is by definition racist.

Also does it really hurt to hedge your bets with St. Peter?

The purpose of a church is not to judge but to act as support when things go wrong

Seriously, if your going to a church then you are probably already either 1) At the lower end of the IQ spectrum in the U.S. or 2) Old and about to die.

Getting lost at sea is literally one of my worst nightmares. That and getting stranded in space.

I hope you Bless or call attention to every other audible human public excretion any other person makes, including, coughs, belches, farts, vomits, and all bathroom noises.

Did you complain about when it happened? Did this writer? If not, then don’t complain about this.

Speed up on an on-ramp and merge in at speed, rather than tip-toe into the lane and expect everyone to slow down.

Are we ever going to get to the point where no one gives AF about anyone’s sexuality?

The deaths of Prince, Michael, and Bowie were interesting because while universally loved, they challenged what the traditional sense of “being a man” meant.

But honestly, at this point I think the only thing that would (maybe) do him in is if there were a tape of him with very underage girls. Given the people he hung out with, there’s got to be something.

When I had two cars, I only used the sedan when I had to because I needed the backseat for adults. They didn’t fit in the back of the XK. Air conditioning still works with the top down btw. Just point it at your ankles and you’re good to go.

The right car, the right can totally be done. I’d do a S5 Cab or 911 4S Cab no problem.

If you have a convertible, it’s probably only a fair weather occasional-use car anyway.

What I find is that euro defenders either haven’t actually owned the car for very long or they minimize the actual issues. Car’s still running so they call it reliable while not mentioning the coil packs and window regulators they’ve already replaced.