What? Me Worry?

In a self defensive scenario I would rather have a semi auto firearm then an of the other methods.

There are some hunted animals that are hunted where you would never trust a single shot to bring them down. One of those animals has become a real nuisance: wild hogs. They’re extremely aggressive, hard to take down, and can damage crops or livestock.

IMO the only way gun control starts getting momentum through legislation is to get enough people to make it their number 1 issue. The abortion issue has a large group of people that make it their number 1 issue and even though it has been a long fight, they are starting to get stricter laws on who, how easily and when

I think you are significantly underestimating how difficult it would be to reliably implement something like this from a technical standpoint.

Most people on here pointing out problems with proposals to limit guns arent trying to be assholes, just pointing out how hard it is to legislate away any possibility of a mass shooting event.

If you can find a way to make that work, then you’re a mechanical genius.

That would effectively outlaw every weapon that holds more than one round - revolvers, semi-auto pistols, bolt-action, lever-action, pump-action and semi-auto rifles and shotguns.

Absolutely it would. The best part is someone kicking in your front door isn’t going to be too concerned about that law at all.

That kind of regulation is not really possible. This guy hit 5 targets with a single action revolver in .88 seconds.

Unfortunately, bump stocks would be legal under that terminology. The weapon is still a semi-auto, and still fires one round per trigger pull.

I’m curious: why do you think any civilian need an automatic or semi-automatic weapon? Is it just because single-fire weapons aren’t as much fun? Would it really be that terrible to outlaw semi-automatic and automatic weapons? You would still be able to do target shooting hunting.

You seem to be confusing mass killings with mass shootings. It seems like almost all of your examples were a group of people shooting another group of people.

And I would be fine with banning all assault weapons

3 times as many people die on our roads, are you in favor of banning private vehicle ownership/driving?

I would add to that: If you are the last registered owner for a gun used in a crime, you’re financially liable. Gun was stolen? Tough shit, you should have done a better job keeping track of your gun.

Why the fuck would anyone outside of the military need a fucking semi-automatic??

Reminds me of my favorite quote:

By taking the “Holier than thou” road you are saying that you lead a “perfect life”. It’s like poker when an Ace is on the table and you slap down a big bet you are representing Aces (whether you have them or not)

Redbox + (Make MKV/Handbrake) = ?

Not really. Most weapons that are illegally obtained were first legally obtained.