What? Me Worry?

Sure you can, all you gotta do is look at graphics-intensive PC games.

Color me surprised

Getting a young Powers Booth vibe off Mr Morgan, in a slightly deranged-in-the-light-of-day kind of way.

Jack was his twatty son no one wanted to play as.

I thought it instilled the main narrative with the depth GTA IV wanted to have and that GTA V basically ignored.

likely you get wronged by someone and then set out to make things right

Then you must have hated playing as three psychopaths in GTA V

Truly all we have done over the past 2 years was remind people that if they get a shed the exterior siding has to match.

The visuals were pretty stunning. If this is what they can do with current gen hardware, I can’t imagine what next-gen games are going to look like.


I went from a manual to an automatic and after six years, back to a manu

Also, pee is sterile.

It’s so shocking that they are electrifying this car.

BOOOOO! Electrification means not three-pedal manual!

Full electric? Sign me up! I would consider a hybrid as well, but I would mortgage my house and empty my kids college fund for a full electric f-type.

Blast from the past! I had a 200sx. It was my #2 car, after a ‘71 Dodge Charger, and before a ‘71 240Z. (sorry Mom! I know you bought me the 200sx new, and that trading it in for a 240Z without your knowledge was wrong and I know that now, but man, oh man! did I love that Z!).

Mark my words: this is a big, big mistake that will gradually lessen the effiency of the Marine corps. PC pressure has made us ignore scientific findings that say women are not fit for combat.

This doesn’t seem “great” to me, but I guess if my President tells me it is so, it must be so. After all, he is the greatest president there ever was or ever will be. He reminds us of that a lot, so it must be true.

Mistakes happen.

I’ll settle for them drawing tasers instead of handguns when dealing with a potential physical threat.