What? Me Worry?

Quite often, when the need for a defensive shooting occurs, not quite often in terms of it happening in general to people.

It’s not that you carry with 1 in the chamber for a quick draw, it’s because that quite often, the attacker that’s threatening your life has already jumped you, stabbed you, you’re on the ground, against a wall, etc. and often will not have full use of both your hands.

As far as recorded incidents, I’m not sure. I do know that I can fire 4-5 shots within 2 seconds. If even one of those hits, it could be over that fast. The quicker you can neutralize the threat, the better chances you have in surviving.

I’m sure no one has ever needed to quick draw and fire in the history of citizen-involved shootings in the United States. Ever. Or that time is of the essence in these circumstances. Nope.

Exactly. Most attacks don’t take place where the bad guy announces his intent to harm you from 25 yards away.

Yeah, a couple of seconds, but that could mean life or death. Plus, when your adrenaline dumps, your motor skills are limited. You may end up jamming your gun.

If you have to pull a gun, shit has gotten really bad and you won’t have time to chamber and shoot.

a woman in Walmart whose toddler took her loaded, chambered gun out of her purse and shot the mother. It was hilarious.

I’m curious. If your average Joe/Jane Citizen finds themselves in a quick-draw scenario, just how much time is saved by having one in the chamber? One second? Two?

I look like a dope...

Charlie Sheen? Even if the subject matter weren’t in outrageously bad taste - he is.

I’ve only owned a convertible for about 8 years of my life (so far!). No bad stories to tell. It’s all been blissful driving, except for the fact that the sunburn on my bald spot seems to get bigger every year.

... it is an appliance designed for ease of use.

When that screen fails, you ain’t driving. Hate relying on one output device for everything.

It’s minimalism, which is aesthetically pleasing.

But it still has that awful dash/infotainment screen bolted to the center of the dash. Yuck.

That glass roof with no insulation means driving through a heavy rain is going to be impressively loud.

I want to buy one, but that refused to make a convertible and I refuse to buy a fixed-roof car.

Good to see I was 100% right.

... and notice the tweet didn’t say “... and after taking the advice of the Generals and military experts...”.