What? Me Worry?

What? No William Shatner’s The Transformed Man?

My costs doubled because I was required to purchase more insurance than I needed.

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read all day.

Why can’t I make that decision for myself? If I don’t want coverage I shouldn’t be forced to buy it to subsidize others

Well, until the private doctors come along to my area. I’ll buy a membership for my family and pay for insurance to cover the big things. ACA doesn’t give me that choice right now.

I paid less for insurance before ACA for my wife, kids and me. ACA made yearly cost double. Ciao, ACA.

every other civilized country in the US has

Repealing would cause a much bigger problem than the problems we already have.

With any luck it will go down like this:

I lost respect for McCain to stand up and say how broken the system is, then vote to further the current broken system. Shameful. He clearly put party before country on this one.

Lodge is an American company that produces their high quality cookware here in America - the only cookware company that still does!

Lodge is an American company that produces their high quality cookware here in America - the only cookware company

No. Evidently, all you have to do is say “I’m an American citizen”.

You are trapped in an elevator that you know is about to fall (and/or is falling), you’ve been told that the building was attacked, and you’re cracking wise? (“it’s not the fall that kills you”). No, I don’t think so. Not like that.

What joy has he ever really experienced that didn’t also make him feel secretly, deeply, crushingly inadequate?

Mueller has something big, and he’s likely to drop it soon. 45s legal team is getting fired, resigning, or shuffling.

My guess is honestly, he’d be dragged out of his office by US Marshalls and actually be placed on trial.

They found nothing on Russia collusion

So, here’s how the next four years go:

I wonder if dealers leave keys in cars that they have a hard time selling? Perhaps the insurance gives them more profit on the car than if they had to sell it for a loss?

Ah yes, the classic “Don’t like the crowds/traffic/crime/diversity/expensiveness? Just move to a place with no jobs!”