Oh to live in a world where the Queen of England would do just that to Trump. That would create an entirely new definition for “epic” that could never be topped.
Oh to live in a world where the Queen of England would do just that to Trump. That would create an entirely new definition for “epic” that could never be topped.
I unfortunately have to agree with you on that finale. Complete rubbish.
I’m really enjoying Saul and look forward to it each week. I think they are doing an amazing job of explaining why he became such a sketchy lawyer while still keeping him as a very likable character.
Season one was amazing. I was hooked. I watched maybe three episodes into season two and quit. It wasn’t bad per se, it just wasn’t good.
On the plus side, if he gets impeached he will be in every history book until the end of time as the worst president ever, adding a persistent tarnish to the family name.
Then she can say “I don’t trust you and fear being along with you, but if you find _another_ female teacher...”.
She should have said something along the lines of “I don’t trust you and fear being alone with you, but if you find a female teacher I’ll go”. And Then she could take off the jacket, take off her top, put the jacket back on, and be done with the matter.
“We didn’t achieve 3% growth like we thought because of the 5th Benghazi investigation/Obama’s speaking tour/Joe Biden’s receding hairline.”
I feel for the dude, but that sigh was just about the funniest things I’ve heard in a long time.
While it did very little to help me understand exactly how Madoff’s $50 billion Ponzi scheme actually worked
Stupid doesn’t get millions of people giving him free press and propel him into the White House.
Certified 2014 Jag XK-R, perhaps?
My TR8 was very reliable. Maybe I was just lucky. Over the few years I owned it, I think I remember getting stranded just once or maybe twice.
I owned a TR8, and remember if fondly. Lost it due to an unscrupulous mechanic.
Millions are showing up in person to comment. More have shown up than for any other article!
In defense of Trump (wow, never thought would say that!), if literally the only information he had to go on was “steam worked great, we’re now using digital and it doesn’t work and it costs a lot more”, then “cancel digital and use steam” is a very valid thing to say. I would hope that he was actually given a bit…
Fresh caught clam chowder is the best. Just put a funnel in my face and pour it in.
My understanding is that eventually the boomers will die out, the smaller workforce we have now will be collecting social security, and the larger generation behind them will be adding back to the surplus.
The lesson really is, ‘do not have kids’. They are money pits.
I understand the point you’re making, but if our goal is to make the whole world a better place, shouldn’t we be as efficient as possible with our money so that we can get the largest benefit possible of our limited resources?