What? Me Worry?

(I’ll say this as discreetly as possible in case you weren’t aware, and in case you care about grammar: “could’ve” not “could of”. It is a contraction of “could have”.)

I had an ‘04 Acura TL that made for a perfectly respectable child-hauler without having to resort to driving a minivan. The closest I came to that fate was a couple of years where we owned an Explorer. In my defense, we lived near and drove in actual mountains.

How in the LIVING FUCK are paying customers being forced to give up their seats????

The lesson here is not “have kids before you buy a house”, it’s “don’t buy the biggest house you are qualified to buy”. The advice really should be to buy the smallest house you can afford.

Is this an automotive site, or just another fucking political news site?

Is anybody else seriously starting to consider revolution?

Does California really want an influx of millions of new residents? If this passes, I’m packing my bags!

I also think burnouts are kinda stupid. Just sayin’

Yes. They won’t stay in bussiness very long between not having that potential customer base and the inevitable protests and media bashing that will happen as a result.

I’m just not at all convinced Obama did anything wrong by getting paid a huge sum for a speaking engagement. He is a private citizen, beholden to nobody.

Sooo, if a business owner’s religion states he doesn’t have to serve blacks, you’re cool with that?

We need just one day where every business in America refuses to serve Christians. “I’d like a burger, please”. “Are you a Christian? We don’t serve Christians. KThanksbye”. I would shop at 100 stores that day just to watch it all.

But this isn’t spam. Not even close.

“How I wrote two books no one has ever heard of or cares about then used Gizmodo in an attempt to promote them.”

I really like the sound of “Jag wagon”. They should go with that.

another thing I like to do is kind of stretch the meat instead of patting it. Then I’ll try to make it as thin as possible so it cooks evenly, which helps make it tender and juicy.

The entire country I was born in doesn’t exist. The land is still there, but it got swallowed up by another country.

We’re gonna need a few more rocks.

I would have left the anti trans bigot at the bar by himself.

I think your assessment is way off the mark. That was fantastic.