
Well you would be assuming he had any Jon Snow chapters written that could be released. I think the educated guess is sometime next year, but who knows. He did a blog post about how it was supposed to be released in time for the show this year, but he didn't meet the deadline.

That seemed kind of interesting until the game stole their identities and somehow there is a giant conspiracy against them.

Rothfuss bothers me slightly more then GRRM with how long he is taking to write that book. ASOIF is incredibly complicated, and has so many interweaving plots. Whereas, The Doors of Stone is the final book in a trilogy, about one character who spends most of his time in a singular location. Plus, he was quoted after

I'm kind of hoping, just because Callie has really annoyed me recently, that Callie might loose her job in Seattle. Not get fired, but she did put in notice to Bailey she was leaving, so you would assume she has begun trying to hire someone else.

I guess it would depend on the ruling. Like obviously if Callie stayed and Arizona was a nice sane person, which she seems to be most of the time, she would allow Callie to see Sofia. But legally I think this battle was for sole custody which Arizona won, so she wouldn't have to let Callie see her if she didn't want.

The trivia night thing was so over the top and stupid, I started laughing at that. She could just stop going to trivia night if she became the solo parent. Also their math made zero sense and they were clearly making up the numbers. There are only about 26 weeks in a 6 month period, and so they won 25/26 weeks. Also,

I'm clearly in the minority, but I thought this was a great episode. There were some pretty solid jokes and it was nice to see them pair up members, like Sheldon and Bernadette, who usually don't interact with each other. Plus, I thought the return of Penny's ex worked well. The Raj storyline doesn't really bother me,

Maybe this is wrong to say, but I think Grey's could use another one of it's infamous blood bath episodes and it would be great if they killed off about 5 characters in a dramatic season finale. Don't need Riggs, drop an intern or two, Penny really could die for all I care, really it doesn't matter they need to cut

it does seem pretty ridiculous, considering Penny's thing is supposed to be a one year fellowship or whatever, and like Bailey said she is literally going downward in her career and causing a custody battle. Her motivation makes no sense. If she cares that much, just deal with the year apart and take some extra

I have kind of mixed feelings about this Beyonce effort. I really enjoyed it is a visual album but the songs outside their videos don't hold up for me and are kind of just ok. When I watched it all at once I was enthralled but then trying to listen to it the next day I just couldn't get into the music on it's own. I

I don't know, this was pretty lazy writing even for Grey's Anatomy. The whole Ben cutting right as the elevator doors opened was ridiculous. Not to mention, what was his plan anyway and why wasn't that brought up? ok she was potentially dying, but if you thought you were stuck how is cutting her open going to help? So

Good for them! Much better to finish off strong instead of dragging it out forever. As a fan of the show, I'm not sure I need six more seasons HBO.

If I'm not mistaken, I think adding the hate crime element to her case had something to do with the statute of limitations for rape in New York, since she claimed this happened a while ago, and the hate crime statute is a longer period of time.

Thank you! The A.V. Club, and most of the media, has really picked and choose small aspects of Kesha's case and not really given much context or the whole picture. Not saying what is happening to Kesha is right, her case is complicated, but that line was clearly inserted to be sensationalist and taken completely out

I also like both characters, just not together and not stuck in the same "their relationship has problems" storyline over and over again.

I feel like April's pregnancy was a really unnecessary plot and they should have just let those two characters move on. It's literally a plot they have already done and because pregnancies take a while this is going to drag on and on. Obviously, because it's Grey's, that baby is going to have that disease again or

I think the promo was trying to imply that that guy maybe sexually assaulted Meredith, and that was why Maggie was freaking out. Though most likely I don't think that will be the case, that is too much to put on Meredith, even for Grey's Anatomy. Though you never know with this show. I would bet they start hooking up

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt they are losing that much money at all by keeping Kesha. They still gain money from her royalties/album sales, and while the internet likes to say things like "boycott Sony until they release Kesha", I highly doubt any significant number of people are actually following through with

So excited that Crazy Ex Girlfriend lives to see another season!!! However, and maybe this is blasphemous of me to say, I kind of wish they cancelled Supernatural and the Vampire Diaries. Both of those shows, which I really liked initially, have long overstayed their welcome and have clearly run out of ideas. I will

They did. But the problem is, and I think it's likely why she refused, that she is signed under Dr. Luke's label. I think she wouldn't have to work with him on her music production, but she would still have to pay him part of her earnings for the next six albums.