
Game of Thrones is still awesome, and overall I thought that was a good episode, but my goodness the writing has been lazy and sloppy this season.

Wonder Woman was a great popcorn flick and gave some much needed new energy to the superhero genre, but I think Oscar nominations are a bit of a stretch. Outside of the technical and sound categories that is.

I mean, I literally said in my comment they should do some kind of performance or competition, but that maybe it could be a bit more diverse. Not all queens are lip sync queens, that is the beauty of drag and the show.

Gurllllll, that was unexpected! I’m shook!!!

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I do not understand all of the Shea love. How does she possibly have 4 wins??? She isn't a bad queen by any means, but personally I find Sasha a lot more unique and even Trinity more polished and fierce. I'm getting major deja vu from season 7 here, where Shea seems the ultimate winner

See though, I'm the opposite. I watch and know tons of people who watch House of Cards, but have never met a single person who has seen Sense8 and have heard nothing but mediocre or bad things about it. Plus, HOC has gotten Netflix some Emmy/Golden Globe wins, and tons of nominations.

I guess, the argument for her not throwing anything off the roof was that right when she first went to the edge, and started screaming, the little girl went unconscious and she had to keep doing CPR or else the girl would have died. Plus, she was probably a little out of it with the day she'd been having. Not that

Eh, I feel like it is mutually beneficial for both of them to continue to talk about it. It generates headlines and promotes whatever project they are doing. I would imagine in their actual personal lives they could care less about each other, but Harry hinting a song is about T Swift riles up the fan bases.

The real question is why wasn't Minnick with her during that explosion?!! If you're gonna take out Stephanie at least take out someone awful with her.

I'm glad that Debbie is gone, but why on earth did the group decide to get rid of her, when they had such a good opportunity to blindside someone more dangerous, like Brad or Sierra. No one was ever gonna give Debbie the money, and she is useless at pretty much everything, perfect person to string along. Sure she

Disney should just buy MGM to add Bond to it's roster, that way we can have a Bond movie every year until the end of time.

I mean, I have no idea why you are blaming CBS for this moment, and what exactly you would have preferred they do instead? If anything, CBS showed major respect to Zeke for never mentioning he is trans during the entire first season he played and it likely would have never been brought up if Varner hadn't outed him. I

I think the mini challenges will come back once there is less queens. I just feel like there isn't any time for them now, makes me wish the show was about 20mins longer so they could have mini challenges and a little more time with the queens. Really hope they come back though.

I don't think they were assigned per say, but it seems like with the first challenge they were told what it was going to be ahead of time and asked to bring looks. They clearly had them already done and ready to wear. So maybe they had to tell the producers in advance what look they chose, so they could make sure none

I mean, the judges aren't being a dick to her for no reason, they are simply just ruling on the law and unfortunately the law is not in Kesha's favor in regards to her contract. It's not out of malice or to punish her, unlike maybe Dr. Luke's countersuits, she simply just doesn't really have much of a legal case. If

This was a pretty decent episode, especially for this season of Grey's Anatomy, and it was nice to have a little bit more focus and less characters. But can Grey's please retire the trope of the doctors doing the most ridiculous never been done surgeries almost every week. Like what they did for that girl made

RIGHT!!! Then they immediately decided to kill a chicken instead and have probably been eating the eggs it's been producing the whole time.

I imagine it's one of those things where he technically could have done it, but the legality is questionable, and there's no question it would be an extremely unethical thing to do. Plus, doing so, assuming there is nothing unspeakably awful in the returns, would have just played into Trumps hands about corrupt

Super mixed feeling about this. I want them to make more episodes to fix the mess that was the revival and show they can still make good Gilmore Girls episodes, but I'm worried we will get more of the same and be disappointed once again.

I think the argument was more that most new blockbuster games will likely not appear on the Switch, Minecraft and Skyrim are both about 6 years old at this point. Plus, it's still too early to tell if developers will bother spending the time and money to port games to the Switch, considering they will likely have to