
Yeah, but I guess my point is that it's complicated. Dr. Luke isn't just some random employee, he owns his own company, with his own artists signed to him, which is a subsidiary or partner with Sony. You are probably right about the bad conduct clause, but my point was that, at least legally speaking, there is no

I don't know, I think Sony is getting a bad rap from all this, maybe rightfully so, but I think way too many people are over simplifying Sony's ability to do anything about the situation. Hence why their only option is to let Dr. Luke's contract expire in 2017. It's a lot more complicated then people make it out to be

The one thing I don't understand though, and this article doesn't really make clear, is will this actually free Kesha or help her in anyway? Sony will sever ties with Dr. Luke, but if I'm not mistaken Kesha is still signed through Luke's label Kemosabe records so she would still need to either record with him, or at

I don't think the left would be that outraged if Michelle was a VP now or in the future, but if Obama had nominated her when he was first running for president it would have raised a lot of eyebrows and I don't think he would have won (Lets not forget in the HOC universe Frank was never actually elected). She's a

But I mean really that isn't going to happen. I think the bigger issue is that the wife in question, Claire in this universe, has literally no experience except running a charity and failing at being an ambassador. Maybe a presidential candidate whose significant other was also a senator or something could remotely

Couldn't agree with you more! The whole Claire story has been utter nonsense and is really brining down my enjoyment of the show. I agree with you completely that they never planned out what they were going to do with that character and then all of the sudden they needed her front and center so this is what they came

I'm still confused as to how Zac Efron has a reasonably successful movie career. Kind of seriously asking why studios keep making movies with him? I get that he is ridiculously good looking but almost all his movies are pretty terribly reviewed, especially the one's where he is the main lead, and don't do that well at

I'm also not sure exactly how much a show costs to make, I figure it is probably cheaper for Netflix then it is for networks but I'm not totally sure. I didn't mean a million dollar profit, based on my made up numbers, but more not a terrible loss or anything considering how much revenue they take in. I guess I was

I also have wondered about, but I think it could be that at this point they just have so much money that they really can afford to do all of this. They have 75 million subscribers worldwide, and if they are each paying $7.99 or so a month that is a lot of revenue. I'm sure they have a lot of cost too but still.

For me, I think season three really ruined the show for me, and it lost all the magic and excitement of the first two seasons and became a boring slog. I didn't think about this until reading this review, but I think part of the problem is that Claire is too enigmatic a character and her motivations/actions don't make

Season three really was the worst and it kind of made me really dislike the show and not care. I will also probably watch it but I'm not invested at all anymore. I really had to force myself to even finish the third season and I remember it being a painful experience. Maybe it will be better but I think they have made

I know everyone is super excited and into the casting of Susannah and Eddie but to be honest I would be surprised if the second movie even gets made. Like this article said, the first one could still get delayed and I don't see these movies becoming some kind of blockbuster sensation. To really do them right would

Agreed! Though to be honest I don't think GaGa's song is actually that good of a song, but it definitely was a good performance and had the best message. But still better then that mediocre bond theme. Honestly, sometimes I think Sam Smith's entire career is based on the success of Adele and people just equating him

Everything else aside, I don't get why people keep saying that Sony is forcing her to work with Dr.Luke. That is factually untrue, and was a part of the decision the judge made in not letting her out of her contract. Sony has repeatedly said she can work with other producers and that they would promote and market her

Kesha's main suit against Dr. Luke hasn't been decided yet. Kesha's mother won a motion to throw out Dr. Luke's lawsuit against her, or something like that. I believe that's what you were thinking of.

I think Sony is arguing more that there is no reason why they couldn't work with both of them separately. It's speculative, and doesn't really make any sense, to assume Sony would go though the trouble/cost of having Kesha make a record just to ignore it and not support her in any way. Since they clearly don't want to

Well to be fair to the the judge, Sony is arguing that she doesn't have to work with Dr. Luke and that they can get other producers. Still a messed up situation though

Was anyone else hoping that the hubris of the Grey's Anatomy doctor's would finally catch up to them in this episode with Maya? Not that I wanted anything horrible to happen to that girl, but I feel like they always ignore "the odds" and tried and true medical science and perform these miracle surgeries that have

I'm still a fan of Grey's Anatomy and will continue to watch it, and I'm glad to see A.V Club reviewing it. But am I the only one who didn't like this episode at all? I thought it was ridiculous to have another freak tragic thing happen to Meredith and to make her suffer once again, they could have achieved the same

I feel like Bunheads was one of those little gems of a show that just premiered about 3-4 years too early, and was put on the wrong network (I get superficially why is was on ABC Family, young girls, but it doesn't really fit with their other programming). Bunheads seems like a perfect show that would exist on a