
Just because Logan is going to be in the revival doesn't mean they are actually going to get back together. It could be them just running into each other at a Yale alumni thing or Emily trying to play match maker and get them back together. If Rory turned him down once, she can do it again. The same with the other two

It could be more of a scheduling issue then a bad blood or money issue. She is hosting SNL soon, has a movie The Boss to promote, has two children, is probably going to film another movie or two soon. But I really hope she shows up!! It won't quite be the same without her.

Like any show that's on the air for that long there are obviously some dips in quality, the last few seasons aren't the best, but I think Friends was really good day in an day out for a long time (6-7 years). Certainly, much more then Happy Endings.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I wasn't that bitter Happy Endings was cancelled and don't think it ever really lived up to its potential. I enjoyed watching it but something always felt off about it to me, like the show was never really sure what it was and it definitely lacked the cohesion and consistent quality of

I guess, I was thinking, that he could go back to Russia or the SVR and tell them that the CIA now thinks he is an asset for them and then use that information to feed them false intelligence or something. I'm with you that his whole plot/motivation doesn't really make any sense, but I was kind of trying to find some

Exactly! I was thinking the exact same thing. I could get him maybe trying out the ruse to see if the CIA was being particularly stupid, but I don't get why he would "sing like a songbird" about Russian intelligence and confirm the plane bombing and stuff like that. You figure he would have loyalty to the SVR.

I do still like the show and I'm also curious to see why these people still want anything to do with each other, but I guess to me the show has lost something this season, or else maybe I'm just tired of it. I liked the differing time and perspectives the first season but now it just seems kind of tedious and

Personally, I think part of The Affair's problems this season is that they are revealing too much in the future timelines. It takes away the tension from the episodes. Like I might have thought Cole killed himself in the fire, if I didn't already he know he marries and starts that business. Or I might think this is

Right!!!! You have to applaud Alison for coming up with that story and staying so calm and composed with Dar, but you would think that under intense scrutiny her and the Russian's story would fall apart. Not to mention it doesn't really explain the kill box, the plane explosion (which I'm pretty sure they laid out why

I didn't have any issues with the pacing of the episode and thought it was a good hour of television. However, I still don't get why they are writing the main characters so stupidly. Maybe it was just me, but the more they revealed about Allison's involvement the more obvious it seemed it was her, and I still don't

You are probably right, my analogies are not the best and maybe a little bit exaggerated, but then again the original poster did equate listening to crying babies as being more pleasurable then listening to 25, so…..

Don't get me wrong, I don't think you are entitled to like Adele or 25, but I guess I'm just not sure what you were expecting from this album? Adele isn't exactly known for her fast paced tracks and her other albums weren't full of hooks or anything. And like everyone has stated, it was kind of impossible for her to

I think it is Dar, but I don't think they have ever really stated it clearly. Now you have me wondering if that is the case or not …

I do agree with you about the lack of indication from During that he has issues with Carrie, and when I first watched it I thought the same thing, he wants to sleep with Carrie or he is evil or has some greater agenda. Homeland is one of the shows where you presume there is a greater plan and that every scene is

To me this scene wasn't as surprising as everyone else thought, and it kind of seems like a natural reaction for During, even if it was a little out of left field. I mean he was literally almost killed in an explosion targeted at Carrie, he was accosted at his club by Saul and CIA personnel, Carrie has basically left

Right!!! I was just going to write something similar. They all seem so stupid at this point. Like why would Carrie call Allison at at all? She must have assumed the leak was at least partially related to Bagdad, so why would she trust anyone at this point. Also, it took Allison all of 30 seconds to turn Dar and Saul

I do agree with you that Homeland has some holes this season but some of your questions do have "explanations" at least in the context of the show.

I'm sure that there are huge gaps of time that we don't see at tribal that are probably edited out. It looks like it happens quickly but who knows how long it actually takes for Jeff to read the votes. Also, maybe they just make a little mark or write the initials so he can easily tell which vote is which.

Wentworth can't vote for herself so whoever she voted for would be evicted

Like many others, I am also getting sick of the love triangle and as someone who leans way more to team Michael, can't really stand Rafael (the actor or the character), I was hoping the show would have Jane just choose him and have them move forward as a couple and all the challenges that brings. I get it is a