
Speaking as a landlord, I do not understand others who are anti-taking those on assistance. It literally makes no sense beyond just being prejudicial trash. You’re telling me my rent payment is pretty much guaranteed? AND there’s an agency I can go to if you start causing problems on the property that will help

Maybe he’s a different person in actuality than his public persona or the roles he’s played? He’s not actually Dr. John Dorian, and Scrubs went off the air 12 years ago. His overall public persona to me seems rather affable and inoffensive. They’ve been together a long time now, and they seem happy, so why does anyone

Same. It’s nothing most of celebrity culture wouldn’t do for a headline or any other kind of attention. At least this one has helped people in prison. But the thing that really gets me is (1) most of the women invoking Marilyn would likely be trashing her sexpot shtick were she a current actress and nude model (and GF

Lizzo was forced to change the lyrics to new single, “GRRRLS,” after the original featured an ableist slur.

Uncomfortable White Woman speaks out against article about hateful discrimination.  News at nine.

Ah yes, a story about women being on a site for stories about women, what the fuck could they have been thinking?

I felt the complete opposite. It was his character that was trying to straddle two different worlds - the jock and the nerdy geek kid. He was on the team, but he was also not on the team and instead, rode the bench. But he was so desperate to fit in, he basically walked away from his friends and became something he

It's funny to consider a gen z kid being into early 80's music would've been the equivalent of me in the 80's looking to the 1950s as nostalgia. 

This show did for Kate Bush and this song what the skateboarder drinking the cranberry juice did for Fleetwood Mac and Dreams. If it gets young people to discover good music, I’m good with that.

It’s always been a fantastic song; glad those darn kids will get a chance to appreciate it. So go ahead and run up that hill, but when you get there, just make sure you stay off my damn lawn!

I think about Columbine a lot - the teacher who basically just bled out and could have been saved but no one was really allowed to save him because they were so disorganized. I think about the Pulse shooting, where cops killed people too. I think about the Parkland guard hiding. About the Parkland cop, and other cops,

After serving in Iraq over 20 years ago, my brother thought he would become a cop and went to school for criminal justice. When it came time to do ride-alongs with the local cops and staties, he quickly realized they were a bunch of morons whose sole purpose in life was to look tuff and harass people. They had a

We HAVE accepted that it will keep happening at a horrifying rate. We accepted it after Columbine. And again after Virginia Tech. Again after Sandy Hook. And Aurora. And Pulse. And Vegas. And Parkland. And the literally hundreds of others that happened in there too. We accept it again every single time. And we’ll

When Philando Castile was shot, I started hearing-as a defense, “The cops just want to get home safely at night”, to which....I’m sorry, that’s not the job you signed up for.  You do have to risk your life, that’s part of your job.  I don’t mean to be cold-hearted, but I don’t know where or why we got the notion that

Even armed police are too afraid to confront shooters. But republicans demand teachers lay down their lives to stop shooters. Armed police hesitate to attack shooters, yet this mad country thinks training 5 year olds to attack with scissors is the answer.

The way they say he was “contained” is so bizarre.  He was a roomful of children he was killing.

It would take them about 1.5 seconds to shoot an unarmed black man in the back. But a kid with a gun? Better hold off for a couple of dozen reinforcements. Filthy cowards.

Cops exist to protect property, not lives or freedom or any other bullshit they claim, not even elementary school kids trapped in their school with a mass shooter. They’re the enforcement arm of our dictatorship of the wealthy, nothing more, nothing less. They’ll kill you for stealing a pack of Pokémon cards or

If kids have to regularly do armed shooter drills in school, the cops should as well. We all remember the cop at Parkland who drove away from the shooting in his golf cart.

Not that anyone wants to visualize Baby Hitler at a GOP orgy, but your sexual imagination is woefully limited. Paraplegic people can and do have active sex lives.