
George Clooney was at your family reunion, Kentucky cousin. Stop complaining and start angling for that Lake Cuomo house-sitting job.

Intellectually I know that she is a very sick woman with mental health issues.

I don't know if this helps, but most of the women who came were members of my mom's (again pretty new-agey) women's group. If you have six years, I think you have plenty of time to develop friends in the new place ^_^. What's important is that they're people your daughters are comfortable with and would like to have

I got mine at 13. Not late but after a lot of my friends. I wasn't looking forward to it exactly, but when I got it it was like, "good, I'm normal."

Welcome to the Internet. There are assholes. There are trolls.

We starting with a frozen breast here? How frozen?

These photos are no more disastrous than the writing in this story.

I don't know your wife, obviously, but personally I would never, ever want to go to the gym with my husband precisely because I wouldn't want him to see me sweaty. Many ladies are brought up to try desperately to avoid appearing sweaty or breathless because it's "unattractive" (and I don't mean sweaty in a music

You need an app to "keep you safe" because you lack the willpower and basic survival instincts to not stare at your phone when you're doing 30+ mph? Mommy and, well, let's be honest, no daddy, just padded your entire house, didn't they?

Yes. In business voicemails are often essential (especially if you don't have someone's email), but few people in business are blathering on in messages, and if they are, they're doing it wrong.

It needs to be written in Upworthy/Buzzfeed style. What does this ADORABLE cat know about class registration? The answer will TERRIFY you!

Talking on the phone is usually only convenient for the person who called. And I'm not a millennial.

Oh you know whats fun?

What is the age group for millenials anyway? It always seems to vary.

they missed important conversation between Tyrion and Jamie, why actually Tyrion went to confront Tywin in a first place.

Yup! I had a male friend who while out drinking with us would always say "we're pregnant!" While pounding PBRs. After a few times of this I finally said "oh really! Well beer is super bad for the baby" and took his beer. And drank it.

I've gotta side with your SIL. Speaking as someone with a kid AND a cat who loves both to death, no, they're not anywhere near similar experiences. I didn't incubate the cat in my body for nearly a year or put my health and life at risk to give birth to her, and keeping her fed and watered is nowhere near the

While we're at it, can we stop the bragging about birth without pain killers?

It's "WE'RE going to HAVE a baby"