
Those moments really do make it worth it. A few months ago, I was talking to a couple friends about motherhood. Between the three of us we had all stages covered, my kids are little, one friend has a preteen and teenager and the third friend has grown children. What we concluded is that having kids is a whole lot of

Amen, sister! I still don't looooove camping, but it's a whole lot better with booze and no Mormons. Of course, that statement can apply to a lot of stuff.

The Mom Vortex is where mom jeans were born. With a 6 yr old and 3 yr old twins, I feel the draw of comfort, baggy, high waisted jeans. I will not succumb.

I cringe at the wastefulness. My kids (ages 3 and 6) insist on using the covers and it makes me crazy. They'll stick rocks in their mouths, lick the playground equipment (seriously) and who knows what else, but refuse to pee without a useless piece of paper on the seat.

I feel like so many people are missing the point of this (very funny) meme. Of course not all men do X. But pointing it out doesn't really add to the conversation. That's the point of the meme.

are my daughters the only girls who turned their super hero capes into cloaks they could fling off a la Elsa in the "Let It Go" sequence?

I wondered the same thing. We have firefighter and army costumes in our dress up bin. would my girls be allowed in this program wearing one of those? Or are they limited to the tutus and princess dresses?

I will not click play. I will not click play. I will not...I'm gonna click play and sing it all day. Thank you.

Throw in a can of cream of something soup (tomato? Mushroom? Doesn't matter) and you've got a classic dish.