
Nope. We just shrugged and went back to Wisconsin.

You guys should have a little salt shaker icon to put after the headers. Give everything a little ‘salt shaker rating’ between 1 and 5. That way we don’t have to actually read ‘salt shaker’ every day.

Noone screamed “blackwashing” when Idris Elba was cast as Heimdall. As a Nordic blonde Norwegian I should have been insulted. I dont know about one single person who think that was a bad casting. Not one. And there are tons of other cases of “blackwashing” but People dont care because it dosent matter. If someone is

You can kinda excuse older movies for having shitty special effect or CG. But I think it’s fair to criticize modern blockbusters with terrible VFX.

As an animator, I can tell you it’s a lot easier to make a static head look good. It’s what happens when you start moving. Does the mouth move realistically? Are the eyes dilating correctly? Does the skin stretch and fold realistically and does the translucency (subsurface scattering) adjust based on those stretches

my god it’s full of barnacles

Mainly because everything has seemed so wrong with the movie. the grim dark tone, pantsless Thing, whatever the hell Doom is supposed to be. He was making something, it just wasn’t a Fantastic Four movie as far as I could tell from everything that popped up in Morning Spoilers. The only good idea I saw was making

I dunno, I thought the AS:2 itsy-bitsy spider scene was a perfect example of the ridiculous spiderman camp I love so much.

Don’t forget, he also wrote The Girl in the Fireplace.

“Abrams vehemently confirmed that midichlorians—the scientific concept introduced in The Phantom Menace that allegedly biologically determined a person’s capacity to be Force-sensitive—will play no part in The Force Awakens.”

The older I get, the more convinced I am that Ms. Piggy is trying to emulate Elizabeth Taylor.

"Well I say my good man, I may not be the avant garde paladin, that the industrious city of Gotham so wantonly longs for, but I am the expounder that Gotham may procure."

But... Steampunk/Victorian Batman was already done when Gotham By Gaslight was written, and it was amazing.

We’re not going to make it, are we? People, I mean.

We need Hunnam’s character to admit he is actually English and doing the worst American accent in history and start using his normal speaking voice.

Charlie Hunnam hopes the sequel will focus on the characters rather than being a CGI spectacle:

Amen. I’m so tired of people basically coopting the issue of climate change for the purpose of advocating wind and solar for the sake of wind and solar. If you actually care about reducing emissions, you don’t start by taking carbon free power sources off the table.

But that isn’t science that we like. We only like science that agrees with our sensibilities. All other science should be put into the category of “evil corporations”. Satire intended.

The only drastic emissions reduction plan that has ever actually worked:

Build Nuclear Reactors.

Pro tip: 4 shots of vodka, a scrabble board, and a random number generator can be used to make some very interesting passwords.