
Listen, if Marvel wants me they got me. I’ve never had such a relationship where you have such—I mean look at my resume, I’m used to being on set being like, ‘Ah is this movie gonna be terrible?’ Marvel just can’t stop making great movies, they do it in their sleep. It’s wonderful directors and producers and actors

This is all rather unlikely, as Marek, along with the events of Force Unleashed, were stripped from canon after Disney purchased the Star Wars franchise.

Typical. Nobody remembers Miles o Brian’s Cardasian vacations...

The genre was kind of defined by this group:

Maybe I’m remembering wrong, but hasn’t there been some talk of him evolving into Guardian?

Help! My Partner Is Addicted to Collecting Toys and It’s Freaking Me Out?

I blame smart phones, cursive was my “go to” for writing incredibly fast, especially while taking notes, but with the finger swipe tech on phones, I’m getting out of practice.

Here I fixed it for you :)

If we are getting Lucy and Sam Lane, can we get an episode about Titano like in the animated series?

I’m pretty sure the movie won’t follow the comic. Spider-Man and Black Panther are likely going to be glorified cameos. The central cause of the conflict will be Bucky and his mental conditioning.

Considering The Doctor is several days over 1000, I don’t think we can even approach age appropriate.

“Yeah, they were totally great...except those organic web shooters. THAT’S what was wrong with those films.”

you don’t understand how much i disliked them. But i also didn’t like the sam raimi movies that much either.
But i did really really dislike organic webbing a lot.

100% agreed. Peter not making his web shooters is just wrong. That is part of his character, he builds all of his own stuff. Tony gives him upgrades. Sure that is fine. But Peter making his own web shooters that always run out of web fluid. That is a must.

But it didn’t shoot the .SVG

Google shot the serif.

Well, he is a character from the comics, where bad guys have names like Doctor Doom, Annihilus, Sinestro, etc. And Arrow has already used villains named Deathstroke, Brother Blood, and The Demon’s Head (Ra’s al Ghul). So “Damien Darhk” doesn’t really stand out from the pack.

Batman + James Bond + Giant mechs + Fritz Lang + Captivating but utterly confusing meta-philosophical commentary that still doesn’t make any sense but is awesome = The Big O.

Now playing

Japan already did Batman (or at least a very close approximation of Bruce Wayne) with a mech. It was called Big O.

In the technological arms race, Gotham is playing catch up.

...which is why it’s so great. It’s the first time you really saw Spider-Man onscreen, doing something the way only he would do it. Not just “Generic Superhero Action.”