Android™ dreams of electric puppies...
Android™ dreams of electric puppies...
Don’t forget about the sound design; there was a good amount of live orchestration using some very interesting (to my roundeye self), very large wooden instruments.
You are totally correct. In fact, elements that many people believe were computer generated, such as the hologram billboards in the opening chase, were hand-drawn.
Many animted films in the 70’s and 80’s were completely hand drawn, and some were even made to look unbelievably detailed from the sheer amount of handwork that went into the animation. Even the Transformers Movie (Animated one) was mostly hand drawn, and it truly did look gorgeous too.
Yeah, I’m surprised anyone is up in arms over this. It just looks like lag to me. It’s like people forget that LoL servers can be terrible sometimes (and by sometimes, I mean basically whenever you decide to play).
To be fair, it was poor decision making by CLG whilealso being a nice display of Fenix’ control of Azir. Unlike Winterfox who went full retard on that one.
This shit isn’t even high level play, lol.
A Predator would never do that to a perfectly good skull. He’d cut the head off and collect it as a trophy. For shame!
Is that JCVD wearing reading glasses while roundhouse kicking a Nissan?
Hey man it’s cool, I swear it wasn’t my intentions on confusing anyone and you’re 100% correct, not everyone is hip to the abbrevs and I apologize for that!
Fully agree with everything and thank you to you to :)
cool if it really works as you said.
From when in the manga is that? i can’t imagine early Mikasa to react like that. Also in the Movie it seems to be Eren going for the kiss.
I’d be careful saying romance is a natural part of life, considering there’s plenty of people who never feel it and are alright that way.
and from what i hear, it didn’t work. That’s why i picked Jurassic World (also it’s currently everywhere, so it’s the first thing to come to mind)
It being a trope isn’t a problem. It being a tired trope is. There’s many kinds of love, it doesn’t have to be romantic.