
Depends on how he otherwise would’ve used that profit. If he was going to blow it all on luxuries then that would seem pure greed, but if he was going to responsibly use it to establish some financial security, I wouldn’t consider that immoral. Was there anyone really hurt by his actions?

The teasing was strong with Future Sight...

I’ve have to remember this card next time someone complains about competitive Hearthstone cards being too expensive then!

everywhere in history those without spine, morals, convictions, determination, devotions or whatever may be that most lack in relation to a specific minority, always say the same: “anyone would have done the same..” as if that common attribute (or rather lack of them) just erases the added value of the uncommon and

Clearly Shinji is insufferable at either end of the spectrum.

I used to be one of these people that hated on him like that. I’m admittedly something of a snob when it comes to film. But I saw this video on youtube that changed my perspective on Michael Bay. It was by my favorite film vlog, everyframeapainting, and it was called What is Bayhem? or something like that.

I’m personally in the same boat that the hate on for Michael Bay is becoming so overwhelming and more of an trope then statement anymore, it’s kinda like M Night Shamalan last decade. However to be fair he is a very talented cinematographer and can get amazing shots.

I will not deny some parts of the human sections bothered me but I think are you are way off the mark. So no fuck you.

People hate on Michael Bay way to much. Proud fan of the bayformers. Also while he is NOT the director for TMNT people still like to say it was his film..enjoyed it to. Waiting for the nostalgia goggles and hipsters to hate.

Pff, those of us who grew up with an NES scoff at "Nintendo Hard". You do not understand "Arcade Hard".

Cute kids, but their serious inability to figure out the game’s systems and adapt is astounding. This isn’t exactly Dwarf Fortress. It’s like watching a bird keep flying into a glass door.

Depth of story? Dark Souls?

I honestly think the biggest difference in games today as opposed to back then is that games today essentially have the instructions/tutorial built in where the first hour or two of the game flat out teaches you how to play it, where as back in those days you had to actually read an instruction manual.


But Contra isn’t even that hard. It’s certainly no Ninja Gaiden.

Notes of Observation:

Nintendo Power man.

You say “absurd difficulty”, I say “doesn’t coddle the weak”.

Yeah they are and they are still rather fun to watch I think. Also I never get tired of listening to “If I were a Rich man”

Now playing

Tradition you say? Yes milking Star Wars is tradition and I have no problem with it.