
;_; PTSD

Unknown meme was ineffective.

It was knowing they successfully hit the goal, celebrating, then realizing it was a troll. See it from their eyes and not just your own. They made the most of it and went for a second time though, which worked out in their favor. They could have bitched but instead did the right thing, ending up how you explained

Am I the only one that enjoys DC’s unique take on the characters? Maybe I am (and that’s 100% fine), but I always felt like what DC did best was create characters that are living legends, individuals of myth who create awe and sometimes fear and misunderstanding in lesser mortals. Marvel does the down-to-Earth stuff

No, fuck that BS movie noise!

Riot Games has hired Graham McNeill as a writer for League of Legends, the author just announced. McNeill is an accomplished fantasy writer who’s done lots of work in the Warhammer universe, so this is an exciting development for League fans who’ve been patiently waiting to see some better storytelling in the game.

I was super disappointed with Fallout 3, but this looks intriguing. But I’ll still never get over just how jank it was that some open world game like Fallout 3 made it impossible for me to wear Power Armor without ‘learning how to put it on’ (Aka. following the linear plot progression). I spent a shit ton of time

My grandfather was also a marine in the Pacific Theater of WW2, First Marine Division. He saw conflict on Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, and a few other places. He also told me that the “ping” made by the M1 Garand was echoing, and that it was very dangerous because the enemy learned what it meant.

Interesting story! I read somewhere they actually carried the M1 into Vietnam, too.

My grandfather was a marine during WW2, and till the day he died he had nothing but praise for the M1 Garand, and he would talk about how it saved his life thanks to how reliable it was.

However, he said the ping was a huge downside. The enemy figured out the sound meant you had used your last bullet, so it could be a

Actually, as someone who read 20 years of married Spider-man, it was PERFECT, and let me explain why I felt that way.

It’s tough, One More Day vs. the whole Norman Osborne had babies with Gwen Stacey reveal. Both are so bad.

I’m actually okay with most of this. While I know it’s not original, I like them once again exploring the myth of Batman. What he means to Gotham, not just who is behind the cowl. The Robins and Gordon are going to put a new spin on that.

Going over the comments, it seems like a lot of people don’t really understand that this isn’t so much a reboot (because the ‘new 52’ universe is still intact and ‘the status quo’) so much as its just a more creative expansion.

Still want your continuity-laden-editorially-directed-monthlies? You’ll still get those. If

Now that everyone knows how to get it, the “secret achievement” part is kinda ruined...

sorry max it looks like imperator is at another castle!

Ah ! Good thing we have our meme inspector making sure memes are used the correct way !

So far, I’ve hated every AC game I’ve started

I recently just rage-quit Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag because it is one of the poorly designed video games I’ve ever played. So, get this, after you play an okay tutorial (that doesn’t really teach you much of anything other than sailing) you get to the port and then boom you’re a nerd in a video game company and you