
Maybe there was a third play caller, somewhere down the grassy field, perhaps...

Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬

You know things got complicated when they had to release the "Reader's Companion," a nearly 500 page guide on all the various books of the timeline through 2013:

Casino Royale was a total reboot of the franchise (something that seems to be forgotten fairly often due to the nature of the series) so the situation with Simmons would actually be identical to keeping Dench on as M.

always relevant

Katy Perry - "The More You Know"

What they should be doing instead of Chris Pratt as Indiana Jones re-boot is doing a Chris Pratt as Nathan Drake Uncharted adaptation.

....Did you read my gushing about Michael Clark Duncan? Or are you intentionally seeking to provoke an argument? I'm most assuredly NOT saying "don't touch our stuff". I'd just prefer John Diggle to Heimdall, if I'm to choose how I'd like to see non-white actors showing up in genre media.

why the hell cant a black man be dorky.

Ummmm....Do you realize we're on the same side here? Your third point half matters, because I get where you're coming from. It still feels like a forced gesture based on demographics, rather than a genuine desire to see diversity in entertainment.

No, sir, I don't like it. Jimmy is supposed to be a scrawny geek with a camera. Not a 6'3" jock with abs that look like they were blessed by the Pope. Even worst, he doesn't have anything in his resume that says he could pull off doing the Jimmy that we are all familiar with. Christ, he played Eggs in True Blood. No

Create awesome, bad ass, multifaceted Black characters who make us want more of their stories.

Did you miss the part where I said I didn't have an issue with a Black actor getting work? He probably did get the job exactly for that reason. My issue is that they couldn't just say "Well, we were looking for Jimmy Olsen and our best option is this Black actor. Let's create a character that makes sense for him to

I know... I wanted more cross-dressing-All-Star Olsen!

Grow up, people – these fairies give their lives to heal Link, and he callously mows through them like they're Cadbury Creme Eggs. In later Zelda games, he even utilises bottles and nets to capture multiple, innocent fairies, just so he can save himself when he screws up. You only need to look at the fairies in Wind

I can't tell if you're trying to be funny or not. Given comments I've seen in the past, I tend to think funny, but I'm not sure.

Donald Glover?

Nope, I didn't know that he asked for him, and w/o a source I wouldn't have presented that as a counterpoint either. That seems reasonable and likely though. Not that it would have mattered to the person I was responding to.

Also, as a small add-on: he's literally named Black Panther. While he pre-dates the Black Panther Party, there was another civil rights organization and an all-black WWII tank batallion which used the name, so that's likely where the inspiration came from. He was also the first mainstream black superhero and was

I couldn't give a !@#$ if he's black or white. But if you're going to make Johnny Storm black, make Sue Storm black too for crying out loud.