
Well obviously that leads to will they wont they B-stories which ends with them realising that it's best if they stay apart.

Edna might make an exception to cover the shame of public super-side-boob. I used to design for Gods ... now it's all spoiled, stupid little stick insects with pouty lips and giant fake boobs who can't read a care label. GENTLE WARM MACHINE WASH - DO NOT SPIN! LINE DRY IN SHADE!

I'm one of those people who's just very anti-nostalgia by nature, but I guess there are certain things I hadn't considered to be nostalgia that I do enjoy (mostly listening to older music, but I like some new stuff too!). I've found that, for me, when I wasn't doing anything positive or meaningful in my present-day

yep.bedside manner is really important.

the Armin intensifies

You know, here's a rarity on the internet: You've changed my mind. I think I mostly agree with you now. I just have a couple quibbles:

That's insane. To this day I never understood the hatred towards the Irish. Every Irish person I've ever met was super cool. It's a beautiful country that I'd love to see one day.

View/Favorites bar puts the bar right on the screen for good. Bing is really not horrible imho, and changing Bing to Google takes no time - any browser lets you chose your search engine. I really don't mind the arrows either - I almost never click on Forward, but I click back all the time, and it makes sense for me to

I've seen no report on the Colt's equipment. (Did the NFL even test them?)

I think it does make a difference if they weer underinflated when initially presented, versus being tampered with afterwards. One is "trying to pull a fast one", because then they could be like "hey, they should have noticed during their inspection". The other is more sinister. They're both crappy, but there are


Meanwhile, Packer fans are still waiting for Mike McCarthy's balls to show up.

They should just rename Windows: "Halo, the Operating System."

I prefer the female villain spray.

If they undo One More Day then any other craziness will be forgiven by me.

They have that, it's called the Surface Pro 3.

Sorry, I know this isn't a popular opinion, but to me those cartoon Turtles were always themselves a nightmarish redesign of this:

Wonder Woman: No Matter Who Makes It We Still Don't Understand That Top Needs Straps To Hold It Up

Kefka was totally all about the lulz.