
It would have been, but it ended really poorly. Having Tauriel whimpering over Kili's corpse, with Legolas saving the day, was just a crappy way to resolve her character.

AFAIK, there isn't any sort of exclusivity contract with Marvel. Of course, after his comments about being in Thor, Marvel may be happy to be rid of him. lmao

Yeah, that really bothered me when I read that interview, but he can do what he wants. He may be a jackass about "non serious" roles, but I still love him as an actor.

Which is why it wasn't posted. The propaganda on this site is funny. The mindless fucks who read and believe this are scary.

her follow-up letter pretty much destroys the entire point that we are supposed to take from this article. She obviously meant well.

But posting that response wouldn't fit the "Ayn Rand is a ****" Narrative that i09 and its more rabid commenters continue to peddle.

Say what you want about her modern adherents, but Rand had quite a head on her shoulders and, as your letter shows, not a dry and withered heart. Thanks for sharing this.

Sounds like a fancy, nice sounding version of what we call "credit scores" and "promissory notes."

I'm pretty much with Ayn on this one. Every kid needs to get this letter at some point in their young lives.

In the comics, he's basically a space cop. You see, in the Kree criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups: the Kree Public Accuser Corps, who investigate crime, and the Kree Supreme Intelligence, who prosecute their offenders.

I want to see Short Circuit: the New Batch too!

neat article. I work in webcasting and our frame rates are all 29.97 and 59.94, not 30 or 60.

Friends say he's trying too hard

This is all that matters. Suck it, Satan.

Sort of how once a person identifies as an alcoholic they're always an alcoholic. They don't just say "well, I've been clean for a couple years now it must mean I'm cured!"... well, I guess some do... but those generally people who relapse.

It being warm outside leads to an increase in drowning deaths at the beach, but that doesn't mean that heat contributes to drowning. Violence rates are declining, and video games have become much better at depicting a wide swath of experiences. There isn't a causal link in either direction. We've been targeting

It's called venting, and it's a solution. It helped me get over my own anger issues. I combined that with meditation.

Wow... Um I'd go with Therapy on this one. Glad it can some how give you some resolve to your issue but I'm guessing your only putting a band-aid on the true issue here...hey I'm not trying to judge because I've come from a bad place as well but I've let that "made" me a better person. I never thought I had to resort