
You ought to check out Season of the Witch, by the same guy who wrote the Moorcock profile, Peter Berbegal. It's got a lot of material on both Zeppelin and Hawkind (as well as the other space rock bands).

I'm going to guess that scene ended with a diplodocus walking by,looking at all the stuck dinos,rolling its eyes while muttering "carnivores..." and continued walking.

Playing Syndra or Xerath is hell with anything over 75

SOMEone will ship it.

If Doctor Who was called Jrazcab Vun, a popular implant-program about a time-traveling octopus airing on Gliese 581c, the line would be about Gugars. But since it's a human show written by humans, the line is what it is.

But if being attached to a planet is required for being a sailor scout, then how is Sailor Moon one?

I would totally watch a Star Trek musical with all the songs taken fron Nimoy and Shatner space-themed albums.

I think you forgot about Agent 13, she will eventually become Steve's girlfriend in the MCU.

...but Alien Resurrection was so bad!

haha, yeah hate is a bit strong, but you caught my gist! Honestly, I agree with you, Peter Parker is Spider-man (I stopped reading when his memory ghost thing died in Superior Spider-man, only to hear a couple months later that he was back). I will admit I picked up the first couple issues of Ultimate Spider-man when

I was under the interpretation that Nick Fury had been black in the comics for some time, including the fact that Marvel was allowed to make him look like Sam Jackson, provided they let him play him in the movies...

Man, you must be hating the Spider-Verse stuff right now if you only accept Peter Parker as Spider-man! Miles has been a good Spidey, plus he got the bump from both 616 and 1610 Peters, the Ultimates, and 1610 Jessica Drew. Which seems like a bit of forcing it, but it happened organically. Plus after the death of his

The reveal of four out of the five was fantastic. The reveal of the fifth? Super lame.

I always had trouble with the mysticism surrounding Starbuck and 3/4 of her character development. The resurrection of her and her fighter was actually in line with all of that. I think it would have worked better if she had come back a "different" Kara instead of more or less the same old Starbuck. The Final Five

That's right Kenny!

The top image is inaccurate as it's impossible to argue with a hot chick in her underwear.