
This card is one of the most powerful 2-Drops in the game ever printed. Every card that goes from the field, hand, etc causes it to grow.

When it first came out in 2007 it was. It didn’t reach the $20 mark until a couple sets down the road.

A normal player would have kept the card. Yes. It would be an investment to continue playing - or in the case of an friend of mine who pulled one, a $1000 cat, no seriously. A freaking cat! So yes, looking at it from a player who visits a GP once every 5 years, or an FNM tournament every couple months, the card is an

Actually when it first came out it wasn’t powerful in standard. The Modern format also didn’t exist as a format. At the time it was a $2-$5 rare. It didn’t become this mythical beast until things like fetch-lands rolled around and further boosted it’s power. If I had known then what I know now I would have saved them.

And Tara Strong definitely isn’t happy about it. In fact, this seems odd honestly. McKraken isn’t apart of the production and it’s his show. Genndy Tartakovsky isn’t anywhere near it either. None of the original Powerpuff Girls voice actors are returning (the girls, not the ancillary characters). In fact, they weren’t

It was one long TV “monster of the week” episode and I was 100% fine with that.

That moment when you realize the Sci-Fi story you’ve been working on for 3 years is closer to becoming a reality. Scary...

That’s just universally accepted.


Well that and I hated the retro Greco-Roman idea of the film. I always saw the idea of Nightfall as being similar to the late 20th century, or even now into the 21st. With all the astronomical data and such that we’d gained.

Kunihiko Tanaka

Thank you by the way. And I understand it is frustrating. Keep in mind though that the gender stereotype was put there by the fact that there was no gender representation in the toy market during the 60’s. The action figure was created as a balance point for this, and was actually made slightly smaller - 11.5” - than

Correct. Sadly though, Marvel wasn’t bought by Disney for that reason. It’s a very weird moment in terms of “geek culture.” The demographic has hit a near 50/50 mark, but in terms of the actual licensed products, we’re right back in the 60’s. Guys had no representation then so they made GI Joe. Now we have GI Joe but

I like the punch the short story has, but I also enjoy the novel right up till about 50 or so pages left (trying not to give anything away). From there it does fall apart hard. I think that was Silverberg’s additions.

WAAAAAAA-OOOOOOOOH and don’t it feel good!

Your last paragraph sums it up. The things aren’t as popular as people want them to be. Think of the people wanting these figures, they’re adults for the most part. Young kids, aged 8-13 are the target demographic. That is who these are made for and most of those kids are seen in Avengers gear for guys (blue) and

While I agree with your sentiment, Action Figures were born out of a necessity during the 1960’s when Barbie was exceedingly popular. Young Males had no figures of their own and the idea of playing with a Barbie was unthinkable. Hence GI JOE in 1964 and Johnny Action in 1965. They were also smaller than the barbie at

Bradbury is the leading example of what is called “Soft” Science Fiction. I understand where you’re coming from, but it is his sociological issues and “human experience” motifs that are his science.

You are correct. It is what determines whether a novel or author is Soft Sci-Fi or Hard Sci-Fi. The Hard Sci-Fi trending towards exact computations, science of technology and descriptions of mathematical theories. Soft Sci-Fi tends to deal with more human interaction and religion, politics, and other sociological

That was sales of a limited quantity. In essence, they only made a few and collectors rushed to pick those up knowing they can turn them around and resell them for a bigger profit margin at Conventions. For every case of figures that was sent I promise it only contained maybe 1 or 2 BW figures as opposed to 4 or 6