
Check this article out. Everything follows is analysis, not personal opinion.

But has a sunny disposition.


Except through trial and error, or just paying attention, you could beat some of these games on a single quarter. Like Turtles in Time or Samurai Showdown/Mrotal Kombat. Also, you could buy the NES/SNES versions of the arcade games and practice. That way when you went to the Arcade you become a sort-of god where

Or knowing that holding B while running in Mario...

Yes, but his connections did give us this amazing soundtrack!

And decided to align itself with the Arkham Knight version.

A barrier, beyond which lay horror.

You need to read this book. It deals with just that question, and more importantly what would happen if people never had night to begin with. It’s a wonderful exploration of the psychological implications that something as common as moonlight, starlight and by extension stars themselves would have.

Or Greg Bear. I love Eon but sheesh, it seems monumental when compared to something like Revelation Space or Pushing Ice.

If you haven’t yet, check out Thousandth Night and Troika. Both are short novels that are easily gobbled up. Thousandth Night led to an expansion novel called House of Suns. The guy became one of my top authors after I read Pushing Ice.

He’s apparently working on it. Cause I would love a sequel. Focused on Earth while Bella and Co are travelling. That would be amazing.

Hell yea THUNDAR!!!

Or maybe a birth!

Now playing

And if I were a rich man, I’d bought Lucasarts myself and do just that! I also loved the Ewok films, when you go back and see them it astonishes me that Lucas ever turned away from practical effects. Low budget and campy as they were, the set design was still amazing.

Except that isn’t anything new with Star Wars though - in terms of home video releases. Yet think of how many board games, miniature games, action figures, books, RPGs, comics, cartoon shows, etc that have been around since the 90’s. Disney isn’t milking it, it’s already been milked. I’d say it’s just a tradition.

Because nobody in corporate-land wants Disney to have everything. Also, Hasbro has more money than people realize and they have no need to give it to Disney. They could re-purpose ROM for use as a Pretender in an upcoming Transformers film if they wanted.

Well if you’re referring to Web 2.0 or how the internet existed in the late 80’s early 90’s you are absolutely correct. I think a lot of it had to do with the works of William Gibson and Co as well. Star Trek I could definitely see as a having a huge influence on science/tech guys - I would be one of them lol.

Someone else who KNOWS!!!

You know, I was still a teenager when the Prequels came out, and I still saw them opening nights at midnight. In retrospect had I wished they were different? Yes. BUT IT WAS STILL STAR WARS! I didn’t care. I still don’t care.