
Um, no. Lucas created STAR WARS. The very first one. There was never any intention of a sequel other than rough plot outlines because no one thought the first would do well. The sequels were shaped by others true enough.

The “internet” already existed long before Star Wars. ARPANET went online in 1969 and connected University of California, UCLA, and the Stanford Research Institution.

Doof Warrior agrees! What a lovely day!

Point taken. I just don’t deal well with people dismissing things and calling other people incapable of understanding. So the hostility spawned from there. I’ll own that. Wasn’t conducive to any sort of conversation. Regardless of points of view.

You know, I’m gonna just repeal everything. I don’t know if you read the other post, and I’d delete it if I could. Regardless of how this turned out I will apologize for being rude several times. It wasn’t conducive to anything in the slightest.

Sigh...I’ll admit it. I love this series. I love this game. But it really is nostalgia when it comes to the first one. Going back and playing it now is really trying.






Don’t away mad man. Just go away and peddle your bullshit elsewhere. If my hostility turns you off so be it. You can’t handle a discussion anyway, and your insults from the beginning are what caused the hostility. You’re to stupid to understand that. If you hadn’t insulted my intelligence and vaunted your own sense of

That’s your response? I never said I didn’t recognize the “bow” as the weapon of a hero, but you are basing your entire defense on my “lack of understanding” this. No, you’re still wrong and changing the topic is an example of how you keep grasping at straws to “prove your point.” Which you don’t have. The bow is

Confirmed. Apparently Daft Punk is the official music of the LHC.

Nope. Peter was a genius level inventor and tinkerer in high-school/college. It’s one of the things that endeared the Amazing Spider-Man to me over the Sam Raimi nonsense and JMS used the idea later-one as well. I’m glad it went back to being an invention.

They weren’t thinking of it in terms of a sniper rifle or silent combat. It was a reliable rifle that could be mass-produced. The sniper-rifles were typically bolt action, like the Springfield. The “ping” wasn’t a defining noise in the middle of an urban firefight. It was also semi-automatic, which was a huge

To be fair, I’m not above having say a Black Superman or Miles Morales take over for Spider-Man. In fact I love Val-Zod in Earth 2 and Convergence. However, the two are the distinction here in the difference in effect. I also don’t expect people to agree with the following either fair warning -

Even if it wasn’t, I’m totally okay with it in this case. All the scenes we’ve seen seem to be giving away everything, but we have no connections with them. Also, 0 coverage of Matt Smith’s character. Like at all except the EW photos. Personally I think it’s a bit of misdirection. You think you know the story, but you

They had no input from Akira Toriyama, the creator. The entire show was just thrown at the wall to see what stuck - because money. In all honesty, they had no idea what they were doing with it but to continue to sell toys.