
I’m in the same boat. It’s main characters are 2 female sisters, a cisgender male and a female villain. The light novels are set in a near-futuristic society. A main point of the book is the development of a organic/synthetic hybrid culture that allows a human to simply be whatever they want to be, devoid of any

This! Also, what if we removed things like author photos and cover art that depicted the characters contained within? It’s one of the reasons why I like hard Sci-Fi novels. Many times the characters come from a global perspective, and the cover art is typically just a spaceship in the vastness of the universe over

You don’t respect anything. You don’t even understand that comics are visual storytelling, and are called sequential art. They require a script, diagrams, plotting and writing. To understand sequential art is to understand visual storytelling, it is the same damn thing. To not understand that shows how ignorant you

You aren’t kidding. All your friends wil lsay “Oh man that’s awesome! Go for it!” and then when it actually matters to toss even a dollar your way for help, it hurts to see how many don’t. On the bright side though, your contacts list gets a whole lot cleaner!

Will do! Or just bookmark the link for the site cause everything will go up there when things get released as well. Thanks again.

Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t even see that. It was crossed out on the main page.

Question for ya. I noticed the Amazon one only had the Kindle version. Is that something you feel is better to do? Offer it as an e-book rather than a physical copy?

Been getting a Light Novel/Comic publishing company off the ground!

I agree completely. Insurrection is worse than Into Darkness or even Nemesis on some levels (other than basically being Wrath of Khan: The TNG Version). Yet I don’t bash them because it’s still Star Trek. Flaws or no flaw, I still got more Star Trek lol.

You’re an idiot. Reading comprehension is a 2nd grade ability. Maybe go back and learn it. Or perhaps re-watch an episode of “Reading Rainbow.” It might help with your disillusioned superiority. Yes. I am being an arse now.

Thanks! I’d heard of that book, but didn’t know it covered that part of it. I knew it covered Rich Ross’ mishandling of the property and such.

So you completely ignore points I made from the previous films and the character that emerged from those as to how Whedon chose to write her? Okay. Keep trying to tell me I don’t get it.

I think a lot of it just stems from expectations being too high, and faux-staliga syndrome. Everyone remembers how amazing something was and the legacy it leaves, but forgets the source’s own flaws. The effect is that it makes them feel justified in their dislike and also to be a part of the majority. “They hate it,

That’d be like trying to get people to stop bashing can dream though.

You’re now becoming an arse. You interpreted it very differently, but that doesn’t make your opinion wrong. I just disagree with it. So did a lot of other people. Before hand we were having a discussion, now you’ve just become another person who can’t handle counterpoints to your argument and claim I don’t understand t


If it makes you feel better, it caused the Director of the Live Action Films division - Rich Ross - to step down and quit. They knew it got handled badly, but it was a sort-of audition reel for them to acquire Star Wars.

It’s true it does. More so than the early/mid 90’s did, and the Amazons Attack arc. I feel like the definition of what the Amazons are/stood for has been lost overall, starting from the post-crisis 80’s on up.

Um, what? Seriously? Maybe if you follow the IDW and comic versions. But the original show - American and Japanese - had a different outlook.

Now playing

Best thing ever. Totally explains the Aunt Beru/Uncle Owen bit so much better.