
Already done...oh. Everyone’s already left...

Fair enough, didn’t mean to insult your knowledge. Apologies. Insensitive to whom? Out of curiosity.

“Hero of the common man,” you mean “Hero of the common yea-bro”

I’m glad I’m not the only one that saw a serious Christy Mack influence here lol

I believe the strife still exists, as Diana was born of Zeus and Hippolyta’s union after a climactic battle. It just hasn’t been spelled out as directly. That union enrages Hera and they hide Themyscria and Diana from her wrath. Which follows Greek myth better as Hera would often slaughter any child of Zeus’ that

Point away, it’s not something that isn’t known though. There’s a lot of things that are slightly warped about Themyscira in DC land.

So glad that you intimately know Frank Miller in real life. Must be a pleasure. Now, here’s your ball and there’s the other side of the sandbox.

HAHA XD not that extreme, but I can appreciate that.

haha -passes you some Listerine- Sorry bud. Maybe this will help the smell? America...

Honestly, it comes from a disenfranchised view of our own world imo. Think about it. No one really changes anything, no matter how often we try or want to. The world is just crumbling around us. Thing is, nature is a bitch. Don’t screw with it. It will bite us in the ass. This Earth doesn’t bow to human whims, and it

That’s what I wanted Wanda to do in AoU at the end. Just a massive reset. Would’ve made me happy for a lot of reasons.

Most of what bleuryder said. The only issue is that people are leaving out what Steve Trevor says during this scene after the slap. So here’s the full scene -

The sexuallization I would agree to 100%. Are they often vehicles for his hard-boiled testosterone driven books? Yes. But he has plenty of characters that aren’t that way, and writing a sexed-up female does not make her a whore. It’s that limited range that people cling to, and like jman40513, they don’t want to

HAHAHA wow....yea, have fun. I mean i appreciate you admitting I’m smarter than you though. Made my day :).

No, it’s a known fact that people cling to that. He has created or used plenty of female characters that aren’t prostitutes.

Reminds me of this game from a few years back. Before FTL and the like. Loved it then, still love it now.

Even if it’s completely wrong...

Gotcha covered....

Now playing

Just for informative purposes - they’re using the same type of technique that Disney and Pixar have been using lately. It’s a combination of 3D models and 2D animation, with the 3D rendered unfinished. Think of it as a digital macquette, and then the 2D artists use WACOM tablets to draw on the 3D models. The 3D team