
Well if you think Jeremy Renner was pissed about Avengers 1...

He’s even alive in the Spider-Verse event, which they basically copied the Thomas Wayne reveal from Earth 2.

Yet Whedon is the one who created the AoS show and his brother writes it. Seriously. The way he treated Coulsen anyway wasn’t even fair. None of the Avengers cared about him, nor knew him other than Stark. The audience knew him. That was why it was emotional, but for the characters on screen? Nope. No connection.

Good think Whedon never got his wish and we got AoS and Coulsen back then!

It’s not silly, he’s awesome! I’m cosplaying as him this year while my Fiance` goes as Captain America. I’m already her biggest fan...soooooo

Yup. Sadly this could have worked out better had they gone with different character than the twins. I dunno say Strucker’s actual kids, who were twins that he experimented on! Andrea and Andreas von Strucker. Seriously, they would have fit the story so much better. Their power comes from them being constantly

Or the fact that you had to watch AoS to understand the opening scene and the final scenes in Ultron? That’s not fair to the general audience.

That’s because of WB. DC isn’t it’s own studio like Marvel. They’ve been apart of the Time Warner imprint since the 60’s. As we all know, Time Warner doesn’t give two shits about anyone. Why would the comic, sorry “publication” wing be any different?

Sorry, sometimes after a day of talking to people without any sense of understanding it’s gets overwhelming. I apologize for that.

Haha I’m right there with you! As a matter of fact, most of the stuff I was into from the ages of 7-13 were all heavily female fronted (Ghost in the Shell, Armitage III, Bubblegum Crisis, and other animes). My favorite comic characters were stuff like Witchblade, Fathom, etc (costume designs aside). Yes I’ll admit I

Wonder Woman got an animated film, and a TV show that were amazing.

They made a star out of a CG male Racoon voiced by a white Hollywood pretty boy. Changes the distinction there a bit doesn’t it?

I agree. I think Pratchett’s death really ground things to a halt. Only thing I can find is an interview, but it’s in Czech lol.

(Raises is a better word lol...why are we whispering?)

Which begs the question, is what we see in our heads and on a page too intensely personal for it to ever satisfy us in another medium? For a left field example, Calvin and Hobbes’ voices lol.

The Watch is coming. IN production as we speak. In England his stuff has been adapted several times already, from radio dramas, animated shows, TV series and feature films. One of those films included John Hurt, Tim Curry and Sean Astin!

Gotham Sirens was epic! Guillem March doesn’t get enough credit for his art. His run on Catwoman was wonderful. Plus it was Paul Dini, I’m sure DC could get him to showrun it for a limited series.

Or it will be like Watchmen, so intimately faithful that it fails because it doesn’t have a soul itself. Just a recreation on screen.

Your second paragraph. That’s what would happen and why I’m fearful of the Ghost in the Shell film.

It would be awesome to see. Yet it’s influence is heart felt in stuff like Armitage III, Ghost in the Shell, Johnny Mnuemonic (Gibson himself of course), and of course The Matrix.