
The film and the TV show are connected, and you said on screen which is where I took yo uto mean the film.

It’s not dead for some of us! I think technology is ramping up to quickly at the moment. So quickly that the old ideas don’t hold water. However I’m working on a Cyberpunk Light Novel/comic series right now. So it’s not dead! ( if you wanna follow it)

It’s got Amanda Conner attached to it. So while the inside art may not be exactly like the cover, you’re going to get some awesome illustrations non-the-less. know my soul.

Wrong, slightly. Tim Burton executive produced Batman Forever. You are correct about the reason they asked him not to direct, but he was very involved in the film. The studio wanted Batman to be fun, given that Batman Returns did significantly less that Batman and not only upset parents with it’s dark atmosphere, but

Yup. Even worse is DC stated the reason they feel like a Wonder Woman film wouldn’t seel was based on the two TV show pilots they produced in the 00’s. On top of the failed script that Whedon wrote, which in all honesty was bad. He basically made her Buffy (which isn’t what Wonder Woman is).

I’m not making this stuff up. That’s the mindset of Marvel. Don’t believe me? Here, read for yourself.

I agree. Wholeheartedly. See, you’re arguing their logic at me. I don’t agree with it, lol, in the slightest! However I can see the other side of it. There’s a difference in terms of objectivity.

Nope I’d be right there with you!

You don’t need to apologize for anything lol. I don’t get offended by people liking things. You think he’s a good writer. So does my fiance` so I can live with him being around. I don’t like him because I have never liked his writing style. Just an opinion. I think he gets credit for a lot of things that he actually

Totally fair! I think my issue is still that the studios look at audience reactions. Whether or not the project was good from the time it went into production till the time it hits the screen. If the film doesn’t resonate with audience there’s largely a follow-up.

It IS tantamount to that. See the point wasn’t that I agree, which I don’t. It’s just these are the issues facing it. When studios do try (loosely btw) it fails so they don’t have to later. Yes, almost on purpose.

Actually no, the Buffy film failed. The TV show is a different story, true, but even by season 5 it was falling apart. So if we’re talking about the film, it’s in line with the rest of the bunch.

Honestly? I think my problem with Captain Marvel is really that she’s a carbon copy of Supergirl, even in name Kara/Linda Danvers vs. Carol Danvers. Her new powers, and when she was Binary are all reflective of the Matrix/Angel Supergirl from the 90’s :-\.

That’s kind of Ironic isn’t it? While they were terrible films, lackluster shows or whatnot, at least DC gives them a shot.

Vision and Wanda are a couple in the comics, and should be on screen. You are correct, all the characters in the film were cardboards and Hawkeye was easily the most removed from his comic version. In fact, Whedon basically made him Wash from Firefly.

Hey I didn’t say it didn’t suck. There’s a difference between knowing the mentality involved and agreeing with it. Which I don’t. We look at it and say it sucks, but it made a decent profit. Even the terrible male superhero films have still made a profit. FF4, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, etc, they made money against their

You obviously haven’t seen Elektra, Supergirl, Catwoman. For better or worse, female heroes have been given their starring role films.

Yes I know it’s about BATMAN. Even taken that route - Batman and Robin was rather campy and shared a lot of the spirit of the 60’s version. To me, Clooney was similar to Adam West. I love Adam West, don’t get me wrong, but they were both campy. Clooney was just sarcastic under the cowl and I happened to enjoy it.

Burton left after the film came out. He refused to work on Batman and Robin due to conflicts with WB and how fast they were pushing that film. It was a 2 years turnaround. Since Burton was producing Batman Forever his money got the final say so. After that, WB handled it with Shumacher, and we saw what happened. Hell