
Actually they are on screen, even in the Director's Cut. Kane is holding his at the ready when the facehugger nails him. One is on the table when Ash attacks Ripley - decompression or no, fighting for your life would cause you to reach for that gun. As to the ship, depends on how powerful the hand guns are. They were

Agreed. There's a lot the film changed to streamline it more. Actually Hammond dies in the book, but not in the film. Gennaro survives as well. Ironically, Ian Malcom is pretty much a dead on duplicate from book to film.

"I don't know Ripley, that's because that's the way the company wants it. I just fly the damn ship alright!"

No worries, really once you get to Chapter’s 2 till the end he’s cropped his hair and gone full Joan of Arc lol. Wait, that doesn’t help does it?

That's certainly not the case here, where you gotta pump your own damn gas. It's not that I mind pumping my own gas, it's just different.

Um, it did? Because the Xenomorph embyro that Ripley was impregnated with cut through her tube, latched on to her face, and then caused the fire by which the Sulaco ejected the escape module. Her cryo was compromised. Cryo stasis, in the ALIEN universe anyway, completely freezes that person at that point in their

#2 has already been answered. However, politics, public paranoia and the media won't allow it to become popular.

Does it have to be intelligent life? We've found signs of microscopic life from other worlds. It's been shown that Earth life evolved from those base organisms due to passing meteorite activity. So I guess I'm wondering if you're wanting something akin to a RAMA type of encounter?

Oh I dunno. Cloud had a pretty awesome cameo and storyline in the original FFT game. It was so fun to hunt him and down and play with him. I missed him in War of the Lions. This scene would’ve been beautifully rendered.

The only part that weirds me out. He has a death grip on his rapier/saber. I know it’s a rendition of the original art, but his hand should be far more relaxed. Which I know Nomura can do.

Pretty feminine originally. When I first saw this game in 1997 I thought he was going to be a female. He’s also young in that outfit, around 15-16ish, he was still a “boy,” overall. Younger males with longer hair do typically seem more feminine that they should. Sadly, google fan art and you’ll see him depicted as

Actually Arnold dies in the book the same way, by a raptor while getting to the shed. It was just his character, not the actor. He was fairly well known in the 90's, just as much now honestly. He'd been in Goodfellas, Patriot Games, and Loaded Weapon 1 all before JP and then Pulp Fiction right after. Then Die Hard

OH that's the worst part. He survived in the damn book because of his knowledge. He even picks Raptors off by hiding out in one of the sewer tunnels and killing a couple of them while escaping. WITH A FREAKING LAW ROCKET LAUNCHER!!! I'm serious about this. He also forces Genarro, the lawyer, around with a cattle prod!

Oh no. He was incompetent. Doesn't query MU-TH-UR's mission orders, regardless of how easy it was to override the "special order" command - which Ripley does and she's 3rd in line. Didn't check the radio signal from orbit through the ship's translators. Which Ripley does later. Doesn't check atmospheric or geological

He did, at least for the first few screenings. People were also not allowed in after the film started either. It was a brilliant marketing move.

Yup. The idea is that when Anakin "killed" Padme` the unborn child died as well. He never knew it had been born, let alone it was twins. Therefore he had no reason to suspect Luke, and by association Leia, were his kids - until Empire that is. In the supplimental materials, the suit that Vader wears, and his

"...And all my present business is concluded."

Nope! This is from the new Vader book, which is cannon. He just goes back every now and then to slaughter the men, and the women....and the dogs.

I think in this case, it’s one of the few times that changing certain aspects made it a better story for what’s happening in our day and age. If they literally presented Turing as he was, there wouldn’t really be a personal conflict to relate to. The liberties they took made the film resonate with viewers, especially

Totally agree! Anyone that puts time into a publication deserves credit.